×Haruka Nanase×

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Hello so this is my first oneshot and it is requested by LonelyWolflife.
I hope you guys enjoy this one shot.
P/s: The reader will be a seme!merman!reader.
Let's just pretend that Haru is a rich man in this story okay..

Haru's P.O.V

Today is actually the day i move to my brand new house on an island where i have been wanting to stay there for a while. The house on the island is actually pretty big compared to my old apartment. Plus it's a private house on a private island.

So the only way to go to my new house is by ridding a boat or a ship. In my case,I'll be ridding a ship. Anyway i got on the ship and as soon as i got on the ship, the captain of the ship start the engine of the ship and off we go.

I decided to walk to the in front of the ship to enjoy the view of the sea. While i was enjoying the view on the ship, i heard one of the staff of the ship say something to his fellow co-worker about this mythical creature that are called mermaids. He said that he once saw something swimming around the ship and going under the ship then finally disappeared under the ship. But then he said that he thought it was a mermaid but he's not sure about it.

I assume that he thought that they were mermaids since he did saw something swimming around the ship and disappeared under the ship. Tch.
It could of been a fish swimming since mermaids don't exist in this world. Then again it's not like i believe that they are real since i haven't seen one in my whole entire life.

But that's what Haru thought.
( Evil Author laughing in the background).

3rd person P.O.V

After the long ride on the ship, Haru finally arrive on the island and immediately walk to his brand new house. Surprisingly his house is not that far from the beach, like literally he can see the beach from the window of he's house. That's the one thing that he like about his new house, There are literally windows everywhere. The house is full of windows and that way he can see and enjoy the view.

After he is done unpacking his stuff and place it where it was supposed to be and maybe clean up the whole house a little bit, since it's his first day at his new house, he decided to take a walk down by the beach and maybe clear some of his problematic problems. (Author loves Haru okay. No need to worry guys).

When he was half way walking through the beach. He suddenly heard a beautiful singing voice of a...Male. He was so mesmerised by it, he decided to follow the singing voice of the male.
When he thought that he was closer to the voice he decided to hide.

And there he saw, a tall male with (H/C) hair sitting on a big rock, Facing away from Haru. He was singing a somewhat of a lullaby. He can't deny that, the lullaby almost put him to sleep right there and then. Haru was so mesmerised and decided to stay and hide because he wants to hear the male sing some more.

(you can insert any song you want because Author doesn't know what song to insert. Heh. )

After the male had finished singing, Haru stood still with wide eyes. Because the other male sings really well. But not just that. Haru also stood there wide eyes because he just found out that the other male was not a human nor a mermaid. He's a merman. A MERMAN. Man.. That really shocked Haru since he doesn't believe in this mythical crap you know.

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