Are you Crazy?

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"I drag myself out of nightmares each morning and find there's no relief in waking." - Finnick, Mockingjay.

(Lance's house at the top) (Sorry for the errors)


Lance Carter, Jr

"Noooooooooo! Stop,  Lance Stop!" Nina screamed trying to get my attention. "JUNIOR!" I then began to run  down a straight road. Just running, not knowing the direction. I finally  stopped, looked down and Nina was in my arms. Dead. There was blood  everywhere. A faint sound came from the background. I turn to the my  left and seen a little boy walk up the body in my arms that resembled me, "Momma? Wake up Ma! No, wake up! wake up,  wake......"

I shot up from the bed terrified, sweaty. I instantly looked at my hands to make sure there was no blood. "Just another nightmare." I  told myself. My clock read 4:45 a.m. feeling moisture through my boxers  I looked down and saw a big wet mark outlining where my body once laid.  Rising from the bed, I went straight to the bathroom to start my  routine for the day. After fixing my hygiene, I went downstairs to make  breakfast. I live alone, it's been this way since I ran away from my  pop's house back when I was 15. I still remember the day I left Miami  nor will I ever forget. Currently, I live in Atlanta haven't been back  since, it's been 8 years. It does get lonely sometimes though but it's  nothing I'm not use too. Suddenly, A knock came from the front door the  time read 6:21. "Who da fuck is that this early?" I asked myself. I walked to the door looking out the window, there was a black Maxima Nissan parked in the driveway.

"Who is it?" I asked  before opening the door

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"Who is it?" I asked  before opening the door. There was no sound, the person just continued  to knock. Inhaling a deep breathe I reach from the door knob and opened  it. Standing there was China my cousin. Her shirt was ripped, blood was  running from her cheek and looks like she's been crying. "China, what  the hell happened to you? Where Aunt Sydney?" China pointed to the car.  It was Aunt Sydney, Uncle Reed, and Jaquan, they all looked worn out.  "So what happened to y'all coming yesterday?" I asked walking up to the  window of the car.

"We got in an car  accident, it was a hit and run. That's why we didn't show up yesterday  like we were supposed too. We had to rent a car, file a police report.  Oh and China decided to fight some girl because she claims the girl was  being disrespectful at McDonald's." Aunt Sydney explained.

"Well I'm glad y'all are  safe. When is the truck supposed to be here Auntie?" I asked her. My  family is moving in with me. My uncle lost his job and I decided I could  use some help at the club. So I'm helping them out because that's what  family is for. At least that's what my momma always told me. I forgot  they were coming today, I sure wasn't expecting them to come this early  either.

"Should be hea' at 3."  My Uncle commented. I invited them in and showed them their rooms. My  house contains 7 beds and 4.5 baths. A huge kitchen, a medium living  room, a big garage, a basketball court in the back yard with a pool.  There's also my office and my man cave.

"BENJAMIN!" I yelled for  my butler. I know what you're thinking, why do I have a butler. Well, I  needed some help around the house and I don't trust a lot of people.  Benjamin proved his self to me and he's been by my side for 3 years now.

"BENJAMIN! I called again going upstairs to his room. I knocked on his door and opened it. The room was empty. "Where is this nigga?" I said to myself. I walked back downstairs going into the living room, I seen Benjamin coming in the house, sweaty. 

"Good morning Sir. How are you this morning?" Benjamin asked.

"I was just looking for  you, I want to introduce you to my family I was telling you about. They  will be staying with us for a while, so could you prepare Lunch? Can you  call Mariam and tell ha I won't be in today until later." I told  Benjamin his tasks for today.

"My apologies Sir, I went out for a run. I'll get started on Lunch and call Mariam." Benjamin explained his absence.

"It's all good, I don't  usually get up this early anyway. Oh, and I'm doing fine I just had one  of those nightmares again." I mentioned as we walked into the kitchen.

"Should I call Dr. Langston, Sir?" Benjamin asked

"No its good, I'm fine I  promise. I 'm going to go check on my family." I reassured him.  Benjamin was the first one who knew about my nightmares. I scared him one  early morning and he talked me into going to see a psychologist. He  gave me a nod and I left out the kitchen. I went towards China's room. I  knocked on the door, waiting for her response. "Come in" She spoke. I  opened the door revealing my beautiful cousin. She cleaned herself up  and had a bandage over her cheek. I engulfed her in the biggest hug  ever. "Nigga, are you crazy? You better not mess up my hair." China  Squeaked. I chuckled as I left out the room into Jay's room and China  followed.

"So how are you two liking the move?" I asked

"It's cool, this room is  twice as big as my last one back home in Boston. We 'preciate it man.  It was getting reckless as hell up thea'." Jaquan responded.

"Yea, it's nice. Hopefully it won't be hard getting into college here either." China commented.

"Well I'm glad I can be a  help. Benjamin my butler is making lunch so be down stairs in an hour."  I left out the room and into my aunt and uncle's room down the hall. I  knocked because I don't want nothing to scar my eyes.

"Come in." Uncle Reed shouted. I proceeded in the door and saw the two of them laying in the bed together.

"Hey, Y'all good?" I questioned them sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Yes, Thank you again Jr. I promise we won't be here long. Just as long until we can get on our feet." Uncle Reed inquired.

"There's no rush. Y'all  are family, we got to stick together. I came to say Benjamin my butler  is making Lunch. It should be ready in an hour." I mentioned to them.

"Hope it ain't no white  man in your kitchen. You know they can't season good." Aunt Sydney  commented. I fell out laughing and seen my Aunt and Uncle laughing too.

"Y'all two are crazy. Benjamin can cook I promise you that." I got up laughing still.

"Have you talked to your dad lately?" Aunt Sydney questioned curiously before I made it out the door.

"Why would I need too? I  don't got nothing to do with em. He could roll over and die if I care."  I responded angrily. She knew how I felt about my dad, Fuck that nigga.

"Now Jr, I know you don't like him but he's still your father. Have you talked to your sister at all?" Aunt Sydney mentioned.

"Nope, If he wanted me  in his life he shouldn't have killed my mom. I left them all behind me  so can we just let this go?" I asked trying to calm my temper. She  nodded and I walked out their room. I walked further down the hall and made a right to get to my room. Still a little tired and now upset, a  nap was really needed. "twenty minutes won't hurt." I said out  loud to myself. I laid in my King size bed trying to sleep. "Mom, I hope  inviting them to live here was a good idea, I miss you so much." I  talked out loud. My mom passed away when I was 5 years old. I miss her a  lot, she missed out on so much and a lot has changed after she left  us.  Finally getting comfortable, I let sleep invade my mind.

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