Trouble Just Keeps Finding Me

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The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. - Marcus Aurelius.

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Amelia Young

I woke up the next morning with a small hangover. Sitting up on the bed, I decided to make breakfast for Massey and China. I pulled out bacon, eggs, and pancake mix.

"It smells so good in here." China said loudly coming into the kitchen.

"Thanks girl, I hope you like it." I mentioned while flipping the pancakes. Soon Massey came into the kitchen too and I was done cooking by then.

"So China, Lance is your cousin from which side?" Massey asked while putting a piece of bacon in her mouth. I rolled my eyes why does the conversations always end up about Lance.

"My mom and his mom were sisters." China claimed.

"Were sisters?" Massey wondered.

"Lance's mom died when he was 5. He actually has a sister too but she lives with their dad in Miami." China explained.

"Wait, I'm from Miami. What is his sister's name? Maybe I know her" I questioned.

"Her name is Lexi Carter." China responded.

"Do you know her M'?" Massey asked. I sat there in thought but couldn't put a face to a name.

"Probably not, she's not popping up in my head of the people I know. Plus Miami is a big city." I confessed.

"That's true. Miami and I have a love hate relationship." Massey inquired. Suddenly my phone began to ring. It was an unknown number.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Miss me yet?" Davonte spoke

"Boy bye. I don't miss you at all." I said then hung up.

"What was that all about?" China curiously asked.

"That was my ex, We were together for three years and I went through so much with him. I miss him you know? He was supposed to be my forever but I can't be with someone like him. His money, the hoes, and his baby momma just matters more to him than I do. I'm not okay with that and I won't allow myself to be hurt anymore. So I came here for a new start." I explained.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that and I understand the situation. I'm glad you got out before it got worse." China mentioned

"Thanks, me too." I sighed. We continued to talk until we decided to take China home for a shower then off to the mall and a girls night after.

"Wait do y'all want to shower here or at my house? There's a guest room you two can go into?" China asked.

"We can shower here, so we don't want to make a mess in Lance's house." I spoke quickly to dismiss the question.

"Oh come on! Have some fun for once M'. In fact we will have a lingerie party.
I mean if that's okay with you China." Massey excitedly spoke.

"Hell yeah y'all can come over and sleep. Let's get going now so we can go to the mall." China jumped up to go get her clothes she wore. Massey and I packed an over night bag then the three of us left the house to go to Lance's place.

We pulled up to the enormous white house, parked the car and made our way to the entrance. "Good morning China." Some guy answered the door.

"Hey Benjamin. Girls, this is Benjamin, Lance's butler." China introduced us.

"Hello" Massey and I responded.

"A pleasure to meet you two beautiful ladies." Benjamin shook our hands.

"Benjamin, Massey and Amelia will be sleeping over tonight. Can you put their bags in my room please?" China requested.

"No China, I'm sure Benjamin has more important things to do. We can put them in the room ourselves. It's alright." I mentioned. I don't trust no one with my things especially after one of Davonte friends stole all my money when he took my purse to the car when we were at my nephew's football game.

"Okay that's fine too, I do want to show you two my room. The bed is so comfortable!" China made us laugh by her quirkiness. We followed China upstairs to her room, We passed so many doors and there also was a door in the middle of the hallway with Large L.C. initials on the top of the door. I stop there admiring it and who would think they would put there initials on there door.

"There you are." Massey called out to me. I looked at her confused.

"What do you mean? I was right behind you two." I commented.

"We were in the room, and realized you weren't in there." Massey stated.

"Oh, my bad." I laughed and we left from the hallways. Entering China's room it was a nice rose gold color with a white color that complimented it

 Entering China's room it was a nice rose gold color with a white color that complimented it

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"Wooooow this is nice!" I said loudly.

"Thanks, Cuz said he gave me this room cause he knew how much I loved rose gold"China added. Instead of going into the guest room we all just decided to take showers one by one in China's room and got dressed to go to the mall.


MEANWHILE.......(Back In Miami)

"Go find your brother, Tell him We're in trouble. He should be able to help us. Go and hurry!" Samuel whispered to me in the dark. A lot of killing has been happening lately, Dad got scammed and now has to pay 50,000 or we all get killed. I hated that my brother left me behind all these years and I've tried to get him to come take me away but he won't even have a conversation with me.

"Help us? He doesn't even want to speak to me plus I don't know if I can go by myself Sam I'm only 15, Atlanta is big just like here. Can't you go with me?" I pleaded.

"No, I got stay and help your dad, Lexi. So take this, it will get you to your brother. Now go!" Sam stated handing me an envelope and a duffel bag. I nodded my head trying to not let a tear fall. I grabbed the bag that he packed up for me and took the envelope with the plane ticket and money. I wanted to see Dad before I left but I knew I couldn't or he wouldn't let me go. "I promise dad, Lance and I will save you. Just got to figure out how to convince him to come back." I spoke softly out loud then left out the back door and ran until I reached the corner store where I waited for a Uber to take me to the airport.


(Lexi on a mission to find her brother. Who is Sam and why does he trust that Lance will help? Will Lexi get Lance to help his father the person he truly hates? Well you're just going to have to find out. (Hope you're enjoying the story) (Comment on what you think will happen. Vote and Share, Please!)

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