Facing My Past

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Lance Carter Jr.

"Hey Jr." Dad spoke. I haven't heard his voice in 8 years and he still sounds the same.

"What do you want Lance?" I asked calling him by his real name.

"Is Lexi with you?"


"Just tell me if she's with you. I need to know if she's safe." Dad confessed. I looked over to my sister who mouthed "TELL HIM."

"Yes she's here. I know everything."

"Listen, Take me off speaker real quick. I gotta tell you something." Dad commanded.

"What is it? We're going to dinner soon and we both gotta get ready."

"Jr, I'm going to see Zonea tonight."

"What? By yourself? You could get killed Lance!"

"Yes, by myself. I got the money he needs but I still might not make it out alive. I know we had our differences and I'm sorry life didn't turn out the way you wanted when you were here. I told Sam to send Lexi there. Will you be able to take care of her until she graduates? I could send her anywhere but I know Nina would want you to take care of her. Did you get that envelope?"

"Lexi will always be welcomed to my home. I got the envelope but didn't get a chance to look through it."

"Okay, Give the phone to Lexi real quick please."

"Okay but try your best to stay alive. Lexi already lost mom she doesn't need to lose you too." Not having nothing more to say I handed the phone over to Lexi. They talked, Lexi cried a little but she knew she had to stay here.

"You okay sis?" I asked after she got off the phone. Her whole demeanor changed.

"Yes I'm okay." she tried to give a small smile.

We hugged it out then went inside to get ready for dinner. We walked in to music blasting through the house and three females in the living room dancing.

"LEXI!" China screamed once she noticed Lexi and I standing by the door. She practically ran over to us and engulfed Lexi in a hug.

"CHINA! I thought only Aunt Sydney was here." Lexi was now smiling hugging her back.

"No we all are. Lance actually let us move in to get a fresh start." China explained.

"Oh that's nice of him." Lexi gave me a happy look.

"Yup so how long are you here? And when did y'all start talking again?" China nosy instincts kicked in. Just before Lexi could answer Aunt Sydney walked in saving the night.

"Oh my other baby is here! And girl you look just like Nina. Come here and give Auntie some suga." Aunt Sydney excitedly shouted.

"I missed you guys so much!" Lexi expressed giving Auntie a big hug.


Amelia Young

"What should I wear tonight?" Massey asked going through her items she brought earlier from the mall.

"Choose something simple. We're just going to dinner with China and her family." I insisted.

"Yea, you're right. This orange turtle neck okay with these tan ripped jeans and my orange air maxes?" Massey questioned

"That's perfect. Simple yet sexy." I inquired.

"Yass that's a great choice Mase!" China agreed. We all ended up getting dressed then decided to go downstairs until Lance came home so we could go out to eat. Not second guessing we decided to turn on some music and chill until it was time to go. Today was honestly one of the best days ever. We went shopping, got our nails and feet done. Talked, laughed and then came back to Lance's house to chill. After agreeing on taking a shot we all were dancing to the music. Out the corner of my eye I catch Lance and some girl coming through the door.

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