Secret Move

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"You will find that it is necessary to let things go; simply for the reason that they are heavy. So let them go, let go of them. I tie no weights to my ankles." -C. JoyBell C.

(Amelia's truck at the top)(Sorry for the errors)


Amelia Young

Today was the day. I can't take this relationship anymore. I've been with my boyfriend for 3 years and I never thought I would be the one to leave. We had some good times together, I just wish I got to see his true colors before moving in with him. Between the baby momma drama, all the girls he thinks I don't know about and not loving me the way he should. I'm done. I refuse to waste my energy or time on another nigga. Speaking of the devil....

"So you really gon' do this M'?" Davonte came into our room, I was in the middle of packing. Ever since he found out I wanted to leave he's been popping up, begging for me to stay.

"I'm not doing this with you anymore Davonte I'm done. Now leave I'm sure one of your hoes waiting for you. He just stood there looking stupid as I gathered the rest of my things.

-------*----------Couple hours later----------*------

"Finally done." I exhaled loudly. I didn't realize I had so much stuff, and I still didn't pack all of it. But fuck it. I got what I need, I guess. I had 6 bags, 3 suitcases, and 4 tubs. After putting everything in the truck, lucky everything got in. I looked around for one last minute, thinking about all the good memories in this house. I walked towards a picture of Davonte and I. It hurts, you know. I gave this man my all. This was supposed to be my happily ever after, it really hurts. It just blows my mind that you can give someone the world then end up getting stabbed in the back by that person.

"Baby, please stay. Please I need you Amelia." Devote was on his knees begging me to stay. I see tears run down his face.

"Usually that would get to me, those tears coming from your eyes but you changed Davonte. I gave you my all and it's like you don't care. Was I not good enough for you? You were supposed to be my prince charming forever. What happened to the guy when we first started talking Davonte? HUH? I let you get away with too much. After all the girls I caught you with or talking too. The baby momma drama.

"Mann, I don't want Ciera or those other hoes baby I only want you." He said slowing coming towards me. I pushed him back,

"I wasn't finished! Yes you do want her. I caught y'all in our bed, fucking! So what you mean, Devonte!" I screamed.

"After all the bad words you called me, when you came home sprung on cocaine. I'm tired of seeing all these guys coming to our house any time of day. Between the girls, your baby mom's, the drugs and your so called gang. I am tirrrrred of it! You don't show me any attention unless you want sex. You don't listen to me anymore and Davonte I just can't do this no longer." I expressed myself finally. For 2 years I held my mouth back and let all this shit happen to me. I just don't get it our first year was so amazing. I don't know what happened to him. But I'm done.

"So that's it? You just gonna leave me? You ain't nothing but a pissy hoe. You probably running off to another nigga. Your pussy was whack anyway, bitch. I hope yo next nigga beat your ass you warlock witch. Damn... I'm sorry, baby I didn't mean it. Please I love you. Don't go Amelia." Davonte bashed me then tried to apologize like he just didn't curse on my name. This dude is pathetic.

"Fuck you Davonte. I hate you! Bitch, huh? You say that but you're the coward ass bitch." I screamed at him, slamming the door behind. I got in my truck and got on the road to begin a new journey. I called my best friend to let her know I was on the way. She has been trying to convince me to move to Atlanta for a year now. She never liked Landon so she was excited to get her old roommate back. I live in Miami, Florida so Atlanta is only 9 hours and 38 minutes away.

___*____________________9 hours and 40 minutes later_________________________*__

Driving down Massey's street my car began to slow down and smoke was coming from under the hood. "No, no, no, noooo!" I screamed. I got out the car and just like instinct Davonte was calling. I had a feeling he had something to do with it but deciding not to find out. I let the phone ring and continued on to the hood of the car. I let the rest of the smoke slowly fade away. I checked it out and couldn't see what was wrong. "Need some help miss?" I heard a muscular voice behind me.

"Ahhhh!" I jumped a little. I hate being scared, the guy was laughing and all I could do is mug him.

"My bad, I didn't mean to scare you love. I was just coming to check the mail and I seen you out here by yourself. You need some help?" The guy curiously asked. I would be lying if I said this man wasn't fine as hell though.

"Help? From you? And what do I have to give to you in return? I know your type. Just trying to find a way in my pants. I don't need your help, I'll just call my best friend to come help. Thanks though." I told him. The guy just laughed but I didn't find anything funny.

"Lance" The guy introduce himself putting out his hand.

"Amelia." I turned away to looked under my hood. Lance walked away laughing and went back up to his house. Rolling my eyes, I called Massey for help.

"Hello, M' Are you here?" Massey spoke curiously.

"No, girl I'm down the street, I think Davonte did something to my car. It was smoking coming from the hood, but now it won't turn on." I explained. Five minutes pass by and Massey pulls up in front of me.

"Haay Boo!" Massey got out the car and hugged me.

"Heeey, Mase, I missed you girl." I responded hugging her back. Massey turned around and her mouth was wide open.

"What?" I questioned trying to get her attention.

"Girl, do you know who that is?" Massey pointed to Lance. I shook my head no. Lance and another guy was walking over to us.

"No, should I know him?" I asked starting to get annoyed. I told him I didn't need his help but yet he still walking over here.

"I know you said you didn't need any help but my uncle is good with cars. If you want he can look at it, and can tell you what's wrong with it. That's up to you though Miss Amelia." Lance smiled. He had pretty teeth and one dimple of his right cheek.

"No it's cool, My best friend actually came to help. Thanks though again." I said rolling my eyes at his fine self. However Massey being Massey she always butts in.

"Hello, Mr. Carter. Sorry about my friend, here. She's not from around here, we would love for some help. My house is just two houses down before you get to the road. We can pay you." Massey spoke up. I shook my head and huffed. Lance uncle checked out the car and told me two of the spark plugs were missing and there was no oil in the car.

"That doesn't make sense, I got my car checked yesterday before hitting the road and everything was fine. Man Davonte really tried it." I yelled out loud not talking directly to anyone. Massey comforted me. I went into the car and pulled out my check book.

"How much do I owe you sir?" I asked Lance's Uncle

"No sir, just Reed. And it's on the house." Mr. Reed claimed. I nodded my head and looked towards Lance who was next to his uncle looking at me.

"Thanks, again. Think you guys can roll it to my girl's house? I have cash" I said to Lance.

"No worries, Ma. We can do that, keep your money." Lance replied to me with a smirk.

"Hey, don't speak for me. I declined the first time. I will gladly accept." We all laughed, I nodded my head and gave Mr. Reed $100 before getting into Massey's car.

Hours passed and I just got finished unloading my truck with my things. I sat by the island in the kitchen while Massey cooked for us. "Girl, I think Lance like you."

"I'm sure he does, but I am not with all that right now. I'm trying to have some fun. Wanna hit the club tonight?" I asked curiously.

"You damn right." Massey replied and we both busted out laughing.

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