Descendants One (3)

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"STOP IT!" Mal shouts, desperation filling her voice.

Jay leans in and goes for a punch, but Harry does a back swing kick, dodging the punch as well as attacking.

The blow strikes hard against Jays rib and he stumbles back. Harry walks off, knowing that how the fight will end if he continues.

Jay gets up to go after him, not wanting to back down or let Harry steal Mal's heart by walking away. He takes a step, but he feels a strong pain in the side where Harry kicked. (He must of broken it.) Jay thought to himself, (dammit! I can't lose. Not after what's happened). Jay pushes through the pain and tackles Harry to the ground and starts punching and punching, aiming at his face, not stopping. He feels hands wrap around him but he fights to say on top of Harry not wanting to stop as he's blinded by jealousy.

Harry just gets up and walks away again. Jay stops fighting the hands that's holding him back and just stands there with blood covered hands.
His eyes goes down when he sees Mal chase after Harry, feeling guilty of what he has done.

"Harry..." Mal whispers to him softly.

"What?" He snaps, like he's unattached to reality.

"Are you okay? Why did you let him do that?"

"It was either me or him. And I chose him because I knew I could handle getting punched," is all he says not explaining any further.


"Yes Harry?"

"I saw you do it," he says, "I saw you kiss him back."

"Harry. I-I-I-I"

"No need to explain Mallory. I've known for quite a while. Comes with knowing and loving the person you've been dating."

"Harry, I don't love Jay. He's a dorky older brother," she tries o reason with both herself and Harry.

"No he's not. Mal, you've been in love with him the whole time."
her eyes start to well up.

"You didn't know it, until that moment. But I knew the whole time."

She breaks out crying and Harry just wraps his arm around her and pulls her into his chest, knowing that this will be the last time it will ever be like this.

"I love you," he whispers softly to Mal, not intending for her to hear and lets her go, then walks away.

Mal stands there, still with tears rolling out of her eyes, watching the person she's been falsely loving, walk away.

"I did love you, at some point," she whispers to the night air, for Harry.
Harry walks onto the deck of the ship.

"Why, hello traitor," yells a voice he hasn't heard in a long time.

"Uma," he says, with acknowledgement.

"I told you, you were never allowed to come back here. Why all of a sudden come back now?"

He walks up to her and leans in, "because I know you still love me," he whispers.

Uma has nothing to say, especially in front of the crew. "You think I'll let you in because of that?" She asks whispering to him.

Harry shrugs, "was worth a try," he says and walks off.

"You think you can come on my boat, asking if you can join our crew and walk away?" Some random crew member asked.

"Yeah," Harry says.

"What do ye think of that?" Someone else asked.

"No-ho, no-ho, 'tis a pirate life for me. Should a foe come aboard, we should throw em out to sea!" Someone starts chanting and other voices follow. 

"No-ho, no-ho, 'tis a pirate life for me. Should a foe come aboard, we should throw em out to sea!" 

"No-ho, no-ho, 'tis a pirate life for me. Should a foe come aboard, we should throw em out to sea!"

 "QUIET," shouts the first guy who spoke earlier.

The crew rushes forward surrounding Harry, making a thick circle of people around him.
Harry draws his sword daring anyone to come forward. A man twice his size comes forward with two swords in his hands.

"Ahh, you must be the fist mate," Harry says cocking an eyebrow at him, daring him to make the first move.

The first mate leans in and tries to land a punch, but Harry did the same thing he did with Jay. A back swing kick, dodging the punch as well as attacking, then hits him in the ribs, most likely breaking them like he did to Jay. 

"Bastard!" he shouts. 

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