Little Descendants (14), Mal

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 A/N ~ This is the same day as Jays birthday just in Mallorys POV. That's all. Enjoy!

"Hey, what ya doin'?" I ask Harry.

"Nothing, just trying to figure out what I should get for Jay," he says being a little sceptical about it.

I know Harry doesn't really have a problem with Jay, just the crush he has on me. He kinda figured that Jay wasn't backing down from me after we got together. So I thought that I should keep my distance from him to try and create a feeling of disconnection in that way. When he told me, at first I didn't believe him. Then I started seeing the signals.

"Hey Mal, what if I got him his favourite bowl of soup, for dinner. Would that be satisfying or would it be better to get him something that'll last longer cause I know that soup would only last about 3 seconds flat," Harry says with creases between his brow.

He looks so cute when he's trying to think of something. Better yet, thinking what to get someone else, specially if it's someone who is a potential rival. IT'S SO CUTE. I think I could fall really hard for this guy, I'm just scared that he won't love me back when the time comes...

"Hey, what you thinking about cutie," he says to me, breaking my train wreck of a thought process.

"Pfffftttt, me cute. You're the cute one when you think," I flirt.

"You were thinking? About what?" He asks.

"It's not very interesting or important," I lie.

He gives me a look like he doesn't believe me, then instantly drops it anyway. 

"Hey, you know, I could really fall for you," he says to me without any hesitation or stammers. 

My face just turns red. Even though he doesn't mean to he can get me really flustered sometimes. Damn him!

When I get over the shock, with my face still being a little pink, I managed a little whisper, "I think that I could really fall hard for you too."

He looks at me with one of his most brightest smiles I've seen and no more words needed to be said in this moment. 

"Hey guys!" Evie shouts at us. 

"Oh hey E. What's up?" I ask trying to sound as casual as possible, while clearing my throat. 

"Have you guys thought of gifts for Jay? We need to know what each of us are going to get him." she says smiling like usual.

Harry speaks up, "I was thinking getting him a heap of his favourite soup."

"Oh! That's perfect! C and I have found some awesome watermelon. It was a really expensive trade. Totally worth it though. And we also found some candles."

"No way!" I gasp in surprise, "CANDLES! That's perfect. I found somewhat of a nice cake."

"This will be the best 16th Birthday he could ask for!" Evie says clasping her hands.

"Oh by the way, I will need both of your help later with the curtains and makeshift disco ball. I fell asleep last night before I could finish it off," she mumbles nervously.

"It's fine, Mal and I will help you. Shouldn't be that hard. Don't forget we have Carlos too. Although he's really just good for spirit."

"And? What's wrong with that? Spirit helps us keep going doesn't it?" Eve says defending Carlos. 

"Haha I guess you're right," Harry agreeably accepts. 

"Of coarse I'm right," she puffs

I smile at the two of them. All the people I care about. In the same place having fun. What a ball it will be. 

I guess I can put thoughts of Uma out of my head for now. I'm just hoping for one day it will just run smoothly, without any troubles.

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