Part 6 Y/N Vs The Physical Exam

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"mmm..." I moaned as I rolled out of bed and onto my extremely messy floor I was still in my baggy t-shirt and underwear about to get ready when my mom came sprinting into my room

"m-mom?" I asked " its 5 am what are you doing up already?" my mother's face lit up and confusion fell on mine

"you better get ready!" she squeaked with excitement I was still very confused

"for what?" I asked my mother sleep she handed me a note addressed to me I opened the envelope and read it *you have been invited to do the physical entrance exam for UA high please wear sports gear or gear that complements your quirk* I screamed with excitement and teleported to my walk-in closet to pick out something to wear 'I have to look hot but it has to be easy to function in' after 15 minutes of me being indecisive I finally chose an outfit I chose black booty shorts and a nikey (I want no copyright) sports bra that pushed up my boobs I changed my appearance at 7 am so I could be home late if I needed and left straight away when I arrived it was still 7 am because I teleported the exam didn't start for another 10 minutes so I got a baggy jumper and stared at my phone it hadn't even been a minute before other people started to arrive I look out the door and see broccoli boy looking nervous as ever 'im so gonna mess with him' I ran outside to greet broccoli boy

"hey broccoli-*cough* izuk-there we got off on the wrong foot the othe day and I just wanted to apoloise I was kinda stressing out bcause of the exams and I felt so bad after I got home" I said sweety of course putting on an act he looked at me and started to fiddle with his fingers

"oh thats fine im Izuku Midoriya" he said forgiving me stright away which surprised me but I geuss not everyone is as much of a bitch as I am

"nice to meet you midoriya im Y/N L/N" I shook his hand and we walked inside together we stood around for about five minuets before got in position ready to go we sprinted around and I teleported loas of the robots engines to me I wanted to get into class 1A and nothing was going to stop me it felt like the shortest ammount of time but the exam was already over now all I could do was wait and see if was good enough to make the cut for class 1A. As I was walking home unable to use any more energy to teleport I felt a hand go over my mouth and pull me back into a dark alleyway.



hey, babes just thought I should clear a few things up...

I'm finally in my holidays so I have loads of time to write and there won't be another lemon for a few chapters because I have some backstory and cool shit coming as well as some fighting have fun waiting for me to write that ill probably start as soon as I finish this chapter!!

love y'all byeeee~

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