Part 18 I Wont Hurt You

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I curled up into a ball on the ground and started to think 'if I take the villains side I'll get figured out but if I take the hero side Shigaraki will hurt me, WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO?!' I finally decided what I was going to do I wasn't going to take any sides 'that should work right?' I stood on the platform and just watched, I watched my friends and family get hurt and hurt my other friends I wasn't that bothered by what was happening. About 5 minutes had passed and everything was fine but out of the corner of my eye I saw my mum and dad 'No, no, no, no, why? why are they here? it was all fine' I started to shake and cry then without any warning I fell unconscious

I was in the middle of fighting the hand guy when in storms a huge male screaming "I AM HERE" he instantly took over the fight and I went back to the platform and there I saw Y/N laying on the ground 'this is bad' I thought scooping her up and putting her in a private place I wanted to stay with her but I couldn't I had to help All Might fight the hand guy and bird bitch (I find that to funny)

When I finally came to I wasn't at the USJ anymore, I was in Bakugou's room
"WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME?!" I heard a voice yell the room was dark but I could recognise it anywhere
"THAT HAND GUY HE...HE...He...he..." as I progressed I got quieter
"HE WHAT?!" Bakugou continued to yell and before I knew it I was crying
"STOP TRYING TO MAKE ME FEEL BAD ITS NOT GOING TO WORK!" Bakugou demanded not calming down in the slightest
"he does bad things to me" I said so quietly no one could hear me
"SPEAK UP YOU LITTLE BITCH" Bakugou yelled again
"HE DOES BAD THINGS TO ME BAD THINGS BEING EVERY TIME HE GETS HARD ITS MY RESPONSIBILITY TO HELP HIM AND EVERY TIME I ENTER MY HOUSE HE GIVES ME A SHOCK COLLAR AND IF I SAY NO HE'LL SHOCK ME!" I yelled tears streaming off my face Bakugou was at a loss for words it was almost like he was scared of....... me
"Y-Y/N I-I'm..." he started
"WHAT SORRY NO YOUR NOT YOUR ONLY TAKING CARE OF ME SO YOU CAN FUCK ME!" I yelled tears still streaming of my face I was so angry but so upset
"WHAT DID THAT KISS EARLIER EVEN MEAN?!" I yelled grabbing onto his shirt pulling to my level (either up or down it's your height)
"It was meant to calm you down just like...." Bakugou started getting closer to me and he kissed me that kiss soon turned into a heated makeout he lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist him pushing me against the wall we broke apart both of us panting
"Don't worry kitten I won't hurt you like he does"
Next one is a lemon babes by the time this one is out I've probably already finished it but you have to wait until next week

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