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It's been almost 3 years since I've seen Bakugou, and i don't ever expect to see him again after all i did erase his memory... bakugou would be in his last year of UA now i heard from my dad hes in the big 3 at UA along with Tododroki and Midoriya, my dad visits me once a week without fail but i never see my mum

*** TIME SKIP ***

"hey sweetheart i'm not supposed to tell you this but the big three accompanied by eraser head are coming on a visit here!" my dad whispered clearly worried for his own safety i can definitely tell why he wouldn't be allowed to tell me...

"YOU'VE GOT TO BE SHITTING ME" i said clearly a lot louder than a whisper, the last time i saw that old rubber head was the day after i took myself in, he asked me why i had done it... i explained everything to him and told him about shigaraki raping me, i couldn't tell weather he felt bad for me or was just faking it, there was one other time he came to see me... it was about a week after classes has started again he asked me what i had done to Bakugou and he thanked me for doing so saying "this is definitely for the best" that surprised me

"your time is up sir" said a random guard he only got about half an hour today meaning today was the day i get to see bakugou again even if he doesn't remember me i still love him with all my heart.

it was about three hours later when a guard pulled me aside and told me that since i was such a well known villain they were going to interview me for their class project i silently screamed, not only would i get to see him but i would also get to talk to him, this is the best day of my life. it took the boys 20 minuets to get here i counted every second and when bakugou entered my cell hallway and i could see him through the glass my heart skipped a beat... he looked over at me and stared for a few seconds like he was remembering ...but that's not possible, is it? midoriya interviewed me first, we also talked a bit i mean we were friends.. todoroki was next no small talk at all it was almost as if he hated me or something... i wouldn't be surprised if he did.

And finally he came through the door, he looked down at his sheet and started asking me questions, the same ones the other bays asked me earlier... but then he started asking his own questions

"have we met before?"

"i just have one of those faces"

"how old are you?"


"you seem familiar..."

"no chance..."

the room went silent for what felt like hours then he leaned over to me so only i could hear him

"did you really think i could ever forget you..."

the end my children we are finally finished

after this i'm thinking of writing another fanfic so if you like my stuff stay tunned for that Ig

Katsuki Bakugou x reader ~ lemon/SmutWhere stories live. Discover now