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I raced upstairs from school because OF COURSE there's a new Big Bad this week, not like we have an Alpha pack to worry about or anything. I walked into my room heading straight for my bed, falling face first not even bothering to take off my book bag. It's as if the gods or whoever is in control of anything wanted me to suffer because I immediately got a text from the pack group chat.
Sourwolf: pack meeting, NOW!
I groaned just a bit, okay well maybe a lot but I'm a growing boy who needs sleep. I guess having a group of supernatural friends should've been clear enough that I wasn't going to be having a normal life. I shrugged my bag off my back and made my way back down towards my Jeep making my way down to Derek's loft. I let myself in with the key I made myself because Derek wouldn't have given me one now would he?
"You're late"
"Only by 3 minutes, why a meeting?" I asked after taking a seat that's adjacent to Scott.
"There's a Wendigo in Beacon Hills, I don't know why but we need to get to it before it gets to anyone else"
"What's a Wendigo?"
"Its a man eating creature that I thought was only from a Native American urban legend"
"Well do you know how to kill it?"
"No that's why you and Lydia will be looking that up while Scott, Isaac and I will go looking around the preserve"
"Hey what about me?!"
" After your whole psychotic fiasco with being the Kanima and all..." No one needed Scott to finish the sentence, we didn't trust Jackson and it sometimes showed. I never trusted Jackson beforehand so it didn't make a difference to me. I didn't argue with Derek on him making me stay, I was tired after all. There was a short moment of silence before Derek decided to end the meeting.
Ah Derek, he's something isn't he? Other than being extremely hot, what? A guy can compliment another guy without that being gay. He's rough around the edges physically and emotionally. I mean can you blame him? His ex gf murdered his whole family when he was a teenager, his uncle who went feral murdered his older sister and tried to murder him along with the rest of us, said uncle came back to life albeit not as creepy as he was before but still not 100% trustworthy. I'd be emotionally fucked too.
I was taken out of my thoughts by the front door slamming, I'm the only one here? Where'd everyone go? How long was I in my thoughts?
"Get out"
"You don't have be such a sourwolf" I got out of the chair and headed back home. This couldn't have just been something he could've just texted us? Kinda pointless
Next day (because I'm a lazy fucker)
Sheriff Stilinski
I saw my son jump wide awake with a piece paper stuck to his cheek. Sometimes I missed having a smaller him around but he's still the same old Stiles to me, my son.
"Do you mind telling me why I just had to lie to the whole station about not 4 but 5 "mountain lion" attacks?" I asked putting quotation marks around the words mountain lions. Ever since I've became aware with the supernatural world I will never get use to some out of the blue stuff like this, always having to lie to my deputies stressed me out. At least Parrish understood since he was a what was he again? A helldemon?
"Tell Scott or whoever you report this to"
"You said 5?! As in 5 people are dead?"
"Yes son"
"Fuck! I gotta go"
I raced to the loft finding everyone to get there at the same time I did, how did we not get pulled over was beyond me.
"5 people are dead"
"How'd you know?"
"My dads the sheriff, did you forget or??" There was a look on Derek's face, maybe confusion but he has many amount of faces I can't quite name yet. Everyone took their assigned unassigned seats. Scott and Allison sitting on the loveseat because why wouldn't they, Isaac and Kira sitting on the floor, Derek standing up, Peter somewhere in the back like the creeperwolf he is, Jackson and Lydia on the couch, and myself sitting on the nearest table. Erica and Boyd weren't to be found, Derek said something about them taking a vacation? Sounds like a lie but whatever.
"Did you guys find out anything on how to kill it?"
"Yes" Lydia and I answered at the same time, the pack was looking at us both, not use to us both having an answer.
"What did you find Stiles?"
"You kill it with fire"
"Are you serious?"
"As serious as a heart attack"
"Wow Stilinksi that was an awful joke"
"It's not a joke asshat, you kill it with fire now let's go find this thing before it gets too dark"
I got off the table began making my way towards the door, almost making it before I got pulled back, turned around and slammed into the door.
"You think this is some game Stiles? There are 5 people dead god knows how many more if it attacked again and you're joking?" Derek all but snarled in my face.
I wasn't scared as I would've been but I'm over Derek pushing and slamming me into things. I did what I thought was only fitting. I smiled, big and brightly too, that pissed Derek off more. It's not that I was smiling because there are dead people, I'm smiling because they'll see I was right hopefully they see before it's too late. Derek rightfully placed me more like dropped me, I took that time to leave and go back home.
Stiles will be the death of me, I am sure of it. His scent is just warm, it warms my body and I could pick it out immediately in a crowd. He smelled like the vanilla scented soap he used, sweat and just the natural smell of himself which is strangely close to honey. He knows how to push my buttons and I don't know why. I'm aware of WHY but I don't wanna dwell on that for too long, we all know how that ends for me. He's joking about a serious matter and he thinks this is some type of game where you can just kill everything with fire.
I forced him into the door, I could feel the packs eyes on us. Being this close to him makes the wolf inside chant 'Mate'. He smiled, brightly showing off his white teeth. I dropped him on the ground and moved away from where he was. I felt my fangs protrude from my mouth.
"Dude you really need to tell him he's your mate"
"H-how did you know?"
"I didn't but Jackson you need to give me my $50" I saw Jackson begrudgingly handed Isaac a $50 bill. I was mad, I didn't even show that he was my mate or did I?
"No you totally show it, you only lose control like that when Stiles is near, you practically glow anytime he says your name, you protect him no matter what and you can't say it's because he's human, Lydia's a human and you don't protect her like that or Allison"
"Uh correction I'm a banshee"
"I'm practically a professional with a bow Scott"
I don't know how or when but I was outside in the preserve, hearing all of that I guess set me into overdrive. I was far but not too far away from the loft. My chest was heaving from running. I started my way back when I heard it. I didn't hear it but I heard something, I felt something near. When I turned around I saw it, a Wendigo. It launched itself at me but I dodged it moving to the right. I let my claws and fangs come out naturally. I threw my left arm out swiping its face, blinding it for a moment. I took that chance to try to break its neck and kill it. The word try is vital.
Somewhere to the left of me I was knocked out and the only thing I remember was seeing Jackson.
Derek's been gone for too long, it's kinda weird knowing Stiles is his mate but there's nothing I can do about it.
I know the rest of us felt it, felt it when something was just wrong. It felt like one of us were being ripped away. This feeling got stronger the longer we waited on Derek to come back.
"We should go check on Derek, Lydia text Stiles. Something doesn't feel right" Jackson said surprising all of us, when did he care about Stiles? Everyone except Allison and Lydia got up to check on Derek.
We all smelled it, the way I saw Isaac tense up, I knew he smelled it. Blood, not just anyone's blood but Derek's blood. We went deeper into the preserve and saw 2 Wendigos carrying Derek. They didn't seem to notice we were here so we used that to our advantage. Before I could say anything I saw Jackson silently make his way up the trees, land on one of the Wendigo and snap his neck. Isaac took the other so I made my way towards Derek.
I slapped Derek somewhat lightly to wake him up.
"We gotta get back to the loft"
Of course 2 hours after I leave the Wendigo appears. I stopped to get some supplies to make Molotov's. Earning very strange looks from people in the store. I ignored them, paid and made it to back to Derek's just in time to see Scott pull Derek back into the loft.
"What happened?"
"2 wendigos had Derek, we killed them that should be all of them right? What's in your arms?"
I sat the supplies down on the counter and began to rush making Molotov's. I didn't stop until I was done, that was about 25 minutes after.
"Wait you said 2?"
"Yes why?"
"They travel in packs Scott, like you guys do"
I saw confusion written all over his face so I tried to explain it more for our poor baby Scott
"If there were 2 in the woods there has to be at least 4 more, pack Scott"
As soon as he opened his mouth to speak that's when we heard the eerie screech, the sound of a Wendigo no doubt calling the rest of its pack.
"You stay here" Derek demanded me
"Yes I'm not arguing with you Stiles. You're staying, we'll take these with us too" he pointed towards the Molotov's.
This was utter bullshit, I'm tired of being treated like this and for what? Because I'm human? So is Allison but I guess because she can shoot a bow it's perfectly fine right? She's a risk just as I am, Lydia is too. I got tired of waiting, tired of watching from the window seeing my pack even Jackson get hurt. When I saw Isaac get smacked down by one of the wendigos long arms I jumped into action forgetting what Derek said.
I grabbed some small glass bottles filling it up with extra gasoline I had left here, taking my shirt off, ripping it into pieces and stuffing that into the bottles and taking a lighter with me going outside.
I sat them down taking cover behind a nearby tree, I lit one and threw them, all hitting the target I wanted to hit, making one drop Scott in the process when it started screeching. When all of them were dead and turned into ashes I did small victory dance.
Hah! Take that Derek, a human like myself is worthy enough to be in the fight. Haha
My victory dance was cut quite short, I felt something sharp in my body. I looked down and saw claws, not your average werewolf claws but claws from a wendigo. Ah so that's why I had an extra one left. Well fuck me.
"STILES!" I heard a voice say that was close to Lydia's voice. I opened my eyes again to see Derek in my face holding me. When did I hit the ground? When did he get so close? Why was he crying? All important questions that I'll ask later, it was nap time now.
"Stiles, look at me"
I looked at Derek, noticing he was super close to me.
"Heh I guess I should've listened right?"
"Shh don't talk"
"It, it hurts Derek" I say trying to sit up only to get stopped by Isaac
"I know it does, stop moving, just hang on with me"
"I just didn't want to be the useless human I always am. I wanted to show you I was worth being in this pack"
"We're not going to talk about this right now"
"Scott?" I ask for my brother, I needed him right now.
"I'm right here buddy" coming from the left side of me.
"Make sure my dad is okay, make sure he doesn't drink himself to death. Please"
"Stiles you can do it yourself, don't talk like that" he said tearing up
"Jackson, take care of Lydia, make sure she gets the love she deserves"
"Derek, I lo-"

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