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Going to school sucks, I can't wait til graduation. I would be at school right now but there's something I have to do first.

I opened the door to Derek's loft with the key I graced myself with. He would've NEVER given me one.

"What're you doing here Stiles?"

"Derek I have to tell you something and when I start please don't interrupt because then I'll start rambling about whatever you said and you of all people well wolves would know that once I start I ca-"

"STILES! Breathe" Derek said interrupting my rambling

"Right yes breathe" I took a couple breaths in and breathed them out slowly

"Derek, for the time that I've known you, that I've gotten to know you. I think we make a pretty good pair, despite me being a human. Opposites attract and you and I are COMPLETE opposites"

"What's your point Stiles?"

"I said no interrupting. I'm in love with you Derek. I know you feel something for me. The way you look at me, the way you take time out to help ME, the way you touch me for way too long that wouldn't be questionable, I know about mates. I know that once werewolves mate, they mate for life. Im in love with you, what do you say Sourwolf?"

I opened my eyes to look at Derek not realizing my eyes were even closed. When did they close?

I stared at Derek for what seemed like an eternity.


That couldn't be right, he said no? I don't understand.

"I don't understand"

"No Stiles, I'm sorry but I don't have feelings for you. I never did and I never will. You just over analyzed everything. You're nothing more than a human encyclopedia to me. You're not my mate, you're not worthy of being my or anyone else's mate"

I looked at Derek with tears in my eyes, not letting them fall. Not until I made it into my Jeep.

I don't understand. How come nobody loves me?

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