Anniversary (Death)

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There's mentions or a mention of suicide in this so if that's something that triggers you, you probably shouldn't read this. Short because I hate sad topics. 

Today is the anniversary, 2 years without him. Today is the day not only did Stiles die but the day Derek's wolf died. Today is the day he lost my mate. Today is how the pack lost not only a friend but a family member, a brother. Oh how today would be so much different if Stiles were here. Derek couldn't save him and he can't save myself either. It hurts to not see his smile, to hear his laugh. The smile that would light up any room he was in. The smile that would give me butterflies. The smile from the lips that were ever so soft. The laugh that from just hearing would make you laugh. The laugh that would make you feel good deep inside. The laugh that would take Derek's breath away. Today, March 24th, 2 months before he was suppose to graduate.

Derek was in pain, dying himself too just at a much slower rate due to his healing properties however he is getting weaker. Derek doesn't know how long he manage to do without the hyperactive spazz. He misses Stiles, he misses how he would barge into the loft. He misses how Stiles would casually come over from school. He misses the company that Stiles gave him since he was often alone. He misses how Stiles would patch up the pack although they didn't need it. He missed the heated fights with him that forced Derek to push him into a wall because if he didn't he'd do something like kiss him. Oh how Derek wishes he should've kissed him. 

Derek wishes he would've done things differently, maybe Stiles would still be here if he would have. Maybe if he would've just picked up the phone and called him, Stiles wouldn't be in this damn grave. Maybe if Derek would've picked up on Stiles's depression beforehand he wouldn't have taken his own life. Maybe if Derek would've just told Stiles how much he loved honestly loved Stiles instead of rejecting the kid he wouldn't be at this grave crying. That's what Derek was doing, he was crying because he missed the only person that gave him a purpose on this earth. He was crying because the person who filled his entire being with oxygen is now gone.

Derek can feel he's dying, he wants to, he rather have himself in a grave than Stiles but that isn't how life works. Although we wished it did, that we could bargain with death, that in exchange for someone else's life you give yours up. 

"Tears doesn't look good on you Der"


"The one and only" Stiles replied with a cheeky smile.

Derek got up from his sitting position and tried hugging him, only to feel nothing but air

"Stiles, I'm so sorry. I should've called you, I should've done so many things that I didn't" Derek said while wiping his tears away.

"It's okay"

"But Stiles, it isn't okay, I hurt you, I ignored my love for you because I thought I was doing you a favor"

"I know"

"Why are you so calm and quiet?"

"Because I know that I will see you very soon and when I do you can make up for everything"

And very soon he did see Derek.

April 20th, Derek and Stiles were one again. Derek even brought him flowers, granted they were from his own grave but he gave them to Stiles instead. 

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