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Soulmates aren't uncommon, Derek's father and mother, Talia Hale were soulmates. Scott and Allison are soulmates, Erica and Boyd are soulmates, Jackson and Lydia are soulmates. Everyone in the pack has found their soulmate, all except Derek and Stiles.

Given Derek's history of dating he has given up on finding "the one" for him and his wolf, ultimately choosing death. His wolf will get sick and die without a mate, resulting in Derek also dying. There's a chance he could go rouge but he might as well be dead then.

Stiles lack of history although having a 10 year plan to woo Ms. Lydia Martin, has made Stiles not even want to try. Getting rejected by someone who you've liked since diapers isn't a nice feeling. Stiles does want love though. He wants someone to look at the way Scott sees Allison or the way he sees chocolate. Dogs aren't suppose to have chocolate though?

Stiles want someone to look at his as if they need him, he wants to be needed. Yeah the pack needs him but it's a platonic way. He wants the real thing, he wants the arguing over stupid things that won't matter the next day. He wants someone to be there for him. He wants to be there for someone, although he always is. He wants someone who will want him always and forever, just like he would.

"Don't forget pack bowling tonight Stiles" Scott reminded him

Yeah yeah yeah, pack bowling, how could he forget? Why would he want to spend his time around people who are in love with each other? Don't get Stiles wrong he loves the pack but it's annoying and tiring seeing them all happy and giddy. There has to be a god of some sort that doesn't like him.

Time skip..

"Alright Stiles you're up, all you have to do is make 4 pins and we win, so just focus"

Right just focus, okay deep breath in deep breath out. He picked up the bowling ball with 2 hands. Of course Scott got the heaviest ball, stupid werewolf strength.

He carried it til he got the lane somewhat waddling because of these ridiculous size 13 shoes. They were all out of size 9, apparently.

He held the ball up with 2 hands, breathing in and out slowly to steady my heartbeat. He looked at the ball then pins then back at the ball. He drew his arm backwards then forwards releasing the ball.

Stiles made a strike but he let the ball go too early. Resulting in him dropping the nearly 12 pound ball right onto his foot, earning a howl of excitement as they won. Oh he screamed too but definitely not in excitement.

He fell to the ground grabbing at his foot, saying all unholy words and sentences. He definitely broke something.

Derek was there right next to him, taking his pain as they waited for someone to come to their senses.

It took too long for Derek's liking for the pack to realize their pack mate was hurt. Derek was more than angry but he held onto that anger and saved it for later, for when Stiles was okay.

Derek picked Stiles up carrying him like a damsel in distress as Stiles called it. He all but shoved Stiles and himself into the back of Lydia's car. He should've drove his Camaro here. He's never listening to the pack ever again.

He noticed the scenery was familiar, way to the hospital.
"No hospital, house

"He needs a doctor Derek"

It took one look at Lydia from Derek that she changed course and headed towards the Hale House. Sometime during the summer the pack surprised Derek by remodeling it and fixing it up. Everyone swears they saw Derek cry and maybe even cracked a smile, but this Derek right here was different. He too was hurt by how much pain Stiles was in. Frightening Lydia Martin is no easy job. Derek was furious.

Derek got out before the car was put into park, carrying Stiles who has now blacked out from pain. The rest of the pack followed along in the house, keeping their distance in case Derek blew up. They could sense his anger.

Derek laid Stiles down on the couch, lifting his head up to give him a pillow. He went to the kitchen to grab the first aid kit that he kept near since Stiles is a bit clumsy. He grabbed 2 frozen whatever and pain pills. He wrapped the frozen things around Stiles's foot like he saw his mother do to one of his human cousins back then.

He made sure he didn't make it too tight but tight enough to where it wouldn't come off just in case. 

He took a little bit more pain before waking Stiles up.

"Wha? Why are we home?"

Stiles thought Derek's home was his home too, in a way it was. Maybe not the way his wolf wants but that'll do.

"You don't remember? You dropped your bowling ball on your foot" Derek said while pointing at Stiles's foot.

"Here take some pills, you'll feel better" Derek said giving him 2 pills.

Stiles took the pills without question, he too could feel the tension in the room.

"Are you okay Derek?"

"Yes" he said with a fake smile

"Really? Because you're smiling and you never smile"

"I'm fine Stiles"

"I think you're lying"

"I think you should shut up"

That was the end of that conversation, or so Derek thought. Stiles touched his arm in a loving way was the only way to describe it. He ran his hand down Derek's face looking at him with a look, making Derek's body tingle in all the right ways.

"What's wrong?"

"I hate when you do that!" Derek shoved Stiles's hand off him.

"Back off Derek, you don't have to yell at him" Scott butted in at seeing Derek all but throw Stiles's hand

"Oh and what's it to you McCall?" Derek asked getting up and personal with the teen.

"What're you going to do? You couldn't beat Peter, what makes you think you can beat me?" The words were starting to mush together as he shifted, his fangs protruding from his mouth, claws digging inside himself as he made fists.

"Okay big guy calm down. Look at me, come on look at me" Stiles said as he was suddenly in between the two. He was suppose to be laying down.

Stiles put both of his hands on Derek's face turning his head to look at him. Derek started to shift back slowly. Only making eye contact with Stiles, knowing that he'd always be the one to bring the Alpha male back to himself.

"Tell me what's wrong Der" Stiles said as he led Derek back to the couch taking a look at the kitchen where the rest of the pack sat, some standing.

"It took entirely way too long for the pack to notice you were hurt"

"That's okay"

"But it isn't!! They're pack! They should know when one of us are hurt. I smelled it immediately"

"This has nothing to do with the fact we're mates?"

"What? Mates? What're you talking about? We- you and I? Nooo we're not mates. How'd you know?"

"I have my resources"


"So we are? Mates I mean"

"Yeah, if you don't want to be with me you don't have to be. I won't force you to be with me"

Stiles took Derek's face into his own hands and kissed him. He bit his bottom lip earning a low growl emit from Derek. They kissed as if their life depended on it. Arousal tainting the air had the pack running out of the house.

"Also you were only standing on your left foot when almost having a death match with Scott. Read somewhere that when ones mate is hurt their partner will have the same injury, might've fooled them but not me"

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