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When Shayna arrived at work the next day. She was going to show her photos to General Brice.

She went to his office but something seemed off she could hear shouting from inside the door.

"General Brice?" Asked Shayna as she knocked on the door.

"What?" He said as he open the door but not enough for Shayna to see inside.

But she did see blood dripping down the side of his face.

"Are you okay?" Asked Shayna now concerned.

"Yes I'm fine now go and don't waste my time!" Yelled Brice.

Shayna obeyed but couldn't help noticing a panicked look on his face.

Meanwhile the Autobots were reuniting with some old friends.

Jack, Miko and Raff entered the scrap yard with Agent Fowler and Jack's mom.

"Hi guys long time no see." Said Smokescreen.

"Yeah it's good to see you guys again." Jack answered him.

Everyone couldn't help noticing the wedding rings Agent Fowler and Jack's mother were wearing.

"What are they doing here?" Asked Agent Fowler. Looking at the four former Cons who were there.

And everyone noticed Knock Out back away shyly. Figuring he felt bad that their last encounter was him kidnapping Agent Fowler and Jack's mom.

The Autobots explained that they had changed and were trying to make amends.

Then everyone was getting to know each other and catching up on old times.

"Hate to interrupt but a Decepticon dimple simple signal has popped up in Jasper again." Fixit told them.

"We better get going Autobots Reve up and Roll out." Said Bumblebee.

Meanwhile Shayna was about to leave to take photos of another base. When she realized she forgot to give the pictures to General Brice.

She didn't know if she should disturb him or not based on the reaction she got earlier.

But the fact that he had been bleeding had her worried. So she decided to risk being yelled at again to see if he was OK.

So she went to the door and knocked. But no answer.

"General Brice." She yelled though the door. Still nothing.

Shayna opened the door and wished she hadn't. General Brice was slumped over his desk dead. With two robots looming over him. Who both turned to look at Shayna who took off running the moment she saw them.

Shayna ran out of the building with the robots in hot pursuit. She suddenly noticed a purple motorcycle with no rider also following her.

The motorcycle changed into another robot.

"So this is the human who gave Six Shot a hard time last night." Said Fracture. "Divebomb, Air Razer don't let her escape!"

Shayna was running for her life but the three Decepticons were catching up fast.

Then she tripped and hit the pavement. Shayna quickly brushed her long chestnut hair out of her face and put her glasses which had fallon off back on just in time to see Fracture gaining on her and his two minicons almost close enough to grab her.

Shayna closed her eyes thinking this was it. But all of a sudden a red Austin Martin drove next to her hitting both minicons knocking them away from her.

"Quick get in." A voice told her. Shayna noticed this car didn't have a driver.

Shayna knew this was another robot since she knew they could turn into vehicles but could she trust it or not?

She decided to get in since this one seemed to be trying to help her. And if not she'd probably die either way. So she got in.

As soon as his passenger was seated Knock Out started driving like mad trying to keep her away from Fracture.

To Be Continued.

Cliffhanger time. XD

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