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I walked in to the coffee shop near my flat and saw the person that I was looking for...Gong Min Ji. She had already ordered a latte for me. Thank goodness, I thought. She knows me too well. I always drink a latte when I need to relax.

Min and I have been friends for years. I was from England. She was born in the USA and had spent up until the age of 4 there but now she permanently lived in the UK. We were childhood friends and she still frequently visited the US. She had grandparents on her father's side there. Being in two different countries had its ups and downs. I'd visit her sometimes in the US and she'd come to stay over at mine so we knew a lot about each other's families and likes and dislikes. You could say she is my twin sister (I'm older though by only 8 minutes). Min's family lives all over the world. Her grandparents on her mother's side live in South Korea, so she lives with them when she comes to visit but I heard that she got her own apartment because she didn't want to be a burden on her old grandparents. Both of us go and help them out when possible. I love them like my own. I only have a grandmother on my mother's side.

I came to South Korea a year ago because I needed a change of scenery. I had a few odd jobs here and there. My most memorable one was, I think, the barista job. I learnt all sorts of different things about coffee. Did you know there's not just one type of coffee bean but two? I was happy making coffee for a living, but that happiness was short lived. The business soon closed. Shortly after, Min heard that there was a job going at Jellyfish Entertainment. So, I applied for it and guess what? I got it!! I got the job. The CEO was a family friend of Min's so that helped quite a lot.

"So, you start on Monday then?" Min asked while I took a seat opposite her. I nodded, nervously rotating my thumbs.

"Are you nervous?" Min continued.

"Yes!! Of course, I'm nervous!!" shrieking like there was no tomorrow.

The "job" that Min was referring to was being a personal assistant to a rookie group that had just debuted. Which means starting from Monday, I will literally be cleaning up, washing up, running errands, and just generally doing what needs to be done. From what I heard from the CEO, it was a boys group and there was six of them. For now, it'd just be me as their PA because they've just started out in the music industry but soon I'd have more colleagues who'd help lighten the load.

"Are you expected to wear a uniform? I bet it's something sexy. What if one of them has the hots for you? Wink wink. Yah! You'd better invite me to your wedding(!)" Min teased.

"Don't be ridiculous. First of all, I need to wear clothes that I'm comfortable in. There's no uniform (I checked and double checked). Second of all, aren't you getting a bit ahead of yourself? I'm turning 18 this year and so are you pabo. Why are you already planning my wedding when I haven't even met them? " I said, exaggerating the last sentence. "Besides, it's not like they'd notice me anyway. I'm not Korean," 'or pretty' I admitted, bowing my head saying the last bit in my head. I knew Min would blow up if said it out loud. "I should stay invisible. It's better this way." bowing my head.

"... You really shouldn't beat yourself up about that Honey. He was an idiot. An idiot who didn't deserve someone as amazing and gorgeous as you. I wish you would see it. And besides if I don't plan your wedding, who will? I am after all an event's manager," she said, beaming in delight.

"Correction, you're in training to be one. You're not one yet..." I said bursting her bubble.

She burst out into a fit of giggles, earning her a lot of stares from the other people in the cafe. "So, what if you're not Korean? Not all Korean guys like Korean girls, you know...And besides how exactly are you going to manage to stay invisible? You were one of the loudest people that I know!" She emphasised.

I started to giggle at the possibility of me, trying to be quiet. This was the total opposite of my personality from before. Now I can be deathly quiet when I want to be. Circumstances caused me to change and I know Min wanted the old me back but it's hard. When you've been stuck in one way for so long and then needing to change, it's hard to do that. Some people can do it at the flick of a switch. I just need more time. Unfortunately for me though, I don't have enough time...

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