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When I got to the apartment, I was puzzled. There was nothing different. 'Urgh! I need a shower. I feel icky... Eww!' Seeing no difference in our shared apartment, I headed to my room to get a fresh set of clothes out. My bed was a mess. To be honest, I don't even know how it got messed up again. I'm sure Leo fixed it last night. I just about managed to fix my bed before I headed towards the bathroom.

I went to wash up and have a refreshing shower. Sleep was calling me. I dozed off in the shower for a few minutes. I suddenly woke up to find myself on the floor of the shower, the warm water hitting my face at an alarming speed.

I finished up rinsing and sprinted into my room with my towel wrapped around my body, to get into some clean clothes. After I chose my outfit for the day, I went to go make a strong cup of coffee. I hadn't slept properly all night, so it was understandable as to why my eyes were automatically closing. 'I probably should sleep for a bit.' So I left the coffee mug and turned off the kettle and headed towards my room.

I changed into my bed clothes instead. I was tired and was not in the mood to go back to the boys dorm yet.

I yawned while closing my curtains. I didn't fancy getting my sleep disturbed by the sun's rudeness. Getting into bed, I made myself into a blanket burrito and slowly started to doze off in to dreamland.


I woke up slowly. The pillows I slept on felt so good. They were warm and reminded me of home. I snuggled closer to it and tried to fall back asleep. But I couldn't... I needed the loo! Why?!! Of all times did I need the loo now? I'm so comfy in my bed too. Pouting, I got out of my bed and headed to the loo.

After using the loo, I headed back towards the comfort of my bed. I fell back asleep hugging my pillow. The most comfortable thing for me right now was my pillow and my bed. I managed to fall asleep again quite quickly.


My stomach had started to grumble from hunger. I hadn't eaten since early afternoon yesterday so it was understandable why stomach was doing a cacophony of sound. I slowly started to edge away from my pillow, with droopy eyes only to be pulled back down. Rubbing my eyes to ward away any sleepiness that left, I started my rise again, this time stretching so my body wouldn't be sore. Again, I was pulled back down into my bed. I felt something snake around my waist  and pull my hand towards it. It was a hand. A hand... A HAND! I looked up to find him staring down at me with his dimpled grin.

I scanned his face for recognition. Nope. Nothing yet. As I looked closer, I noticed something. His loosely permed mahogany hair was falling in front of his golden amber eyes. He had bags darker than an aubergine. His lips formed a dimpled, gentle smile. His arms were wrapped around my waist, as if he were scared that if he let me go, I would disappear before his very eyes. Something shiny caught my eyes. I raised my hand up to help me get a better view of what it was. A ring. It had something engraved on it but I couldn't make out what it was. I looked down, feeling an unnecessarily excess of body heat and noticed that he was indeed topless. I averted my eyes to the ring again. I tried to remember where I had seen it. Then it came.

My eyes grew wide as recognition invaded my thoughts. A sense of anger, betrayal, happiness and relief overwhelmed me and before I knew it, I flew out of my bed and into the kitchen to arm myself.

Hidden: Strings of FateWhere stories live. Discover now