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They all stood in a line then and said their introductions.

"Annyahaseyong. Real V. V-I-X-X. Pleased to meet you," they chorused.

"Annyahaseyong, I'm VIXX's leader, N." 'So that's Hakyeon.'

"Annyahaseyong, I'm VIXX's cute main vocal, Ken." 'Jaehwan.'

"Annyahaseyong, I'm VIXX's rapper, Ravi." 'Wonshik.'

"Annyahaseyong, I'm VIXX's visual, Hongbin." 'Ok.'

"Annyahaseyong, I'm VIXX's magnae, Hyuk." 'Ok, that's all of them I think. I'm pretty sure there's six of them...? I can't remember though.'

I bowed to each of them as they did the self-introductions.

"So how old are you? You don't look enough to be a PA." asked Hyuk. The question took me by surprise. I wasn't expecting them to ask me my age though I should have been. I mean after all there was a similar thing in my culture. 'Oh well,' I thought, 'I might as well tell them. At least it'll also help me find out who's older than me and who's younger...'

"Trust me. I am old enough." I asked.

"So, how old are you then...?" Hyuk repeated.

I replied to that with "you'll have to guess... It wouldn't be fun if I just told you everything about me. Would it?"

"Um, 14," Hongbin answered first.

I looked at him wide eyed and smirked.

"I wish I was 14," I replied.

"Older or younger...?" asked Jaehwan.

"Older," I replied.

"15," guessed Hakyeon.

"Older," I repeated.

"16," said Wonshik.

"Older," I repeated.

"17," said the magnae.

"Correct Hyuksshi." I acknowledged. Hyuk beamed with delight.

"Our Hyukkie's 17. You two can be like chingus," said a delighted Wonshik.

"Oh! You're a '95 liner?!" enquired a curious Hyuk.

"De," I replied.

"What month were you born?" he said, interrogating me.

"December, Hyuk-sshi," I said, proudly.

"Waaaaa!!! I'm OLDER!!! YES!" he cheered.

"Only by 5 months... I don't know why you're so excited over that..." I muttered.

Wonshik and Jaehwan smirked.

"What was that, Honey?" Hyuk asked, not being able to fully hear what I had just said.

"It was nothing. Just talking to myself." I displayed a smile.

'You may be older... but I can still beat your ass to a pulp if you mess with me.' I thought, while smirking. Luckily, no-one else had caught on.

"Seeing as we were both born in the same year... let's be friends. Arasso?" Hyuk observed me as he held his hand out for me to shake.

"Arasso, Hyuk-sshi" I replied, respectfully. Shaking his hand, I saw Hyuk lean in closer to me.

"Just... call me Hyuk... or if you want, oppa... Arasso Honey?" He whispered into my ear. I could feel his warm breath down the side of my neck. It sent shivers down my spine. I could feel the hairs on the back of my neck rising. I got a faint whiff of his éau de toilette. It smelt like comfort. Like he was pulling me into a warm embrace with his scent.

"O-o-okay... H-hyuk..." I stuttered.

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