Appledash AU ~•~Can't Stay Away~•~

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AU guyssss! AU stands for Alternate Universe. HUMANS IN SCHOOL! WHO HASN'T HEARD OF THAT?!

"If she's amazing, she won't be easy. If she's easy, she's not amazing. If she's worth it, you won't give up. If you give up, you're not worth it... Truth is, everyone's going to hurt you; you just have to find the ones worth suffering for." ~Bob Marley~

"Are you sure you'll be okay, Rainbow Dash?"

The spectrum haired girl replied with a,"Mmhmm," and a nod. Firefly sighed, shaking her head.

"You're not scared of the first day of High School?"

"Nope. I'm fearless, mom. You know that," Dash replied, sipping her orange juice, the splash of Vitamin C cooling her taste buds.

Firefly pushed her blue hair behind her ear, inspecting the rebel across the table. "Everyone's afraid of something."

"Not me," she smirked, puffing out her chest.

Firefly chuckled, shaking her head once more. "You should probably head out now. School starts at 8:30 and it's 8:10," she speculated, squinting to make out the small numbers on her watch.

"Okay. Gotta Dash Mom. See you later," Rainbow said, standing up and grabbing her plate.

"Oh, don't worry, I'll get that."

Rainbow nodded, and walked over and hugged her mom. "Go before your dad get's home," Firefly stated quickly.

"Promise you'll be fine, mom," Dash looked the woman in the eyes, and Firefly nodded, smiling weakly.

"It takes a lot to kill this bitch," she boasted, being the source of Dash's major confidence and, oddly enough, arrogance.

Rainbow Dash quickly slumped her bag across her shoulder, and picked up her motorcycle keys. Before hopping out, she inspected herself in the hall mirror.

Her rainbow hair was tied into a messy ponytail, and her jean jacket over her blue undershirt looked cool. The ripped jeans made an awesome addition, even the black converse that were worn down with age looked good.

She rocked the BadTomBoy look. Stepping out into the fresh warm sunlight, Dash jogged down to her bike in the drive way and stretched her leg over, picking up her helmet and putting it over her head. The back of the helmet had a sticker of a rainbow bolt striking out of a cloud.

Putting the key in the ignition, Rainbow felt the engine roar to life, and she smirked. Revving it, she took off like a bullet out of the chamber.


Applejack pulled the crop top over her head, and down on to her torso. She frowned at her reflection, as she looked up and down her body. Suddenly, her eyes caught the scars on her arms. Her wrists displayed deep scars.

Sighing, she looked outside. It looked sunny and fairly warm, but she still changed out of the crop top to a light tee, and pulled a jacket overtop, one with long sleeves to hide her wrists.

She sighed once more, seemingly almost like it was all she could muster, and glanced at her clock. Her heart skipped a beat, in a fearful way. It was almost 8:20! School was ten minutes away!

Slipping on her western type boots and tying her hair into a high ponytail, she sped out of the house, grabbing her backpack and car keys.

She hopped into the red truck and pulled out of the drive way, and shifted back in to drive, speeding Down the road, to PonyVille High.

Appledash AU ~•~Can't Stay Away~•~Where stories live. Discover now