Chapter 4: Laurie, Jay, Mark and Raye

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Fred poked the hanging bag in the yard near his pond with a stick and jumps back to the water when the bag twitched. Melissa watched from her aquarium silently while Butter and her twin, Red, sat on the daisies, they too, were watching the bag twitch and shake.

Its the next day, there is a black bag hanging upside down in the yard, beside it is Jay tied with ropes and hanging upside down as well. The backyard has a garden, a pond and more trees. The bag and Jay were tied to a narra tree's trunk.

The schoolhouse's backdoor opens and out steps the headmistress, Leonora Shelly followed by the students.

Siberian Mastiff, though his name doesn't fit him being a wolf, Siberian is the most loyal and trustworthy student anyone can befriend. Walking beside him is Rufus Raccoon, he can change in size when he likes and he's a certified thief, today he's in his natural size of 5'7.

Kitty and Claire holds each other's hands while they walk side by side. Pecker Woods fluttering beside Kitty who keeps on swatting him away. Gustav Falcon-Volt makes sure his shade protects Dracy Blood as they fly side by side.

Arachne, Rachel and Succubi crawls and wriggles across the ground as they join the circle of students around their catch.

"What could it be?" A student asks.

"I don't know," another answers. "Is it dangerous?"

"I think so."

Suddenly Jay opened his eyes, a mistake he will always and forever regret. The first thing he saw is Arachne. Jay inhaled air and let it all out in one go, screaming at the top of his lungs like a girl that had just inhaled a ton of helium.

"Holy mother of the lord!" He screams. His screaming woke his friends who were inside the bag hanging beside him.

"What is that?" Raye asks from inside the bag.

"I don't know. It sounds like Jay," Mark answers. The bag twitches and a soft sound comes from it. Groans of disgust emitted from the bag. "Ew. Laurie what the hell? What did you have for breakfast?"

"Didn't your mother teach you not to fart when you're in a closed compartment or in this case bag with other people?" Raye asks.

"That wasn't me!" Laurie protests. An argument started again inside the bag and if Rufus didn't cut the rope, they would've never stopped.

The bag fell to the ground with a thud followed by Jay plummeting down headfirst, the rope detaching as he fell. Jay crawled up to his back while clutching his head. The rope around the bag loosens as Raye, Mark and Laurie crawls out.

"Where on earth are we?" Mark asks. His eyes widen when he sees the crowd around him. Two small winged girls fluttered close to him and he felt the urge to swat them away, however the enchanting beauty behind the girls stopped him.

Coyote flipped her hair and fixed her cap before brushing her long fluffy tail with her hands. Mark stared at her for the longest time possible with his jaw hanging open. He glanced beside Coyote and saw someone with their golden brown hair covering their eyes and their arms crossed. To Coyote's left is a beautiful girl wearing almost the same outfit as her but without the cap, she glared at Mark and Mark quickly averted his eyes.

"What is this place?" Laurie asks in amazement. His eyes travels from the sky to the faces of those before him and his gaze stopped when he saw the headmistress. "And why do you have a shell?" He asks.

Headmistress Leonora doesn't answer, she steps forward, wobbling as she walks with the help of a cane. She didn't stop walking slowly until she was a step away from Laurie who keeps on trying to back away every time headmistress Leonora goes nearer to him.

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