It's A...

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Quinn P.O.V

It's been 2 weeks since Rachel decorated the nursery and I have 3 months to go. Rachel started college last week taking multiple courses, she takes cooking, interior decorating and of course music.

But so far she's enjoying it, I start after I've had the baby.

Noah and I are officially back together and I've missed him so much but we've decided we'll just take it slow with me living with Dad and Rachel.

Yes I call Will my dad he's been more of a father figure than my actual dad and I asked him the most other day if it was okay and well he said yes.

Today is my 6th month scan and I've decided I want to know what I'm having obviously Rachel was on board and offered to drive me even though she has college today but she's taking her afternoon classes off. Noah is also joining us as dad is teaching.

Rachel: Quinn I'm here and we have to go now I'm running late

Quinn: We're coming, Noah help me up

Noah helps me up and we pile in Rachel's car is now spring which I'm so happy about because it's not too cold.

Rachel: Let's go find out what you're having.

My bestest friend.

Rachel P.O.V

I can't believe I'm running late to pick up Quinn stupid class over ran i drive home as fast as I can and arrive there with 20 minutes to spare that should give up enough time Quinn and Noah get in my car Quinn in the passenger seat. I'm so excited because Quinn is finding out what she's having I think it's a girl but Noah thinks it's a boy.

We arrive at the hospital with minutes to spare like I said so we rush in and Quinn signs in.

Rachel: What do you think you're having

Noah: Boy

Rach: Girl

Noah: Boy

Quinn: Both of you pack it in we are not going through this again

This is just how me and Noah get along just a bit of banter

Nurse: Quinn Schuester

We all stand up and enter the room as Quinn goes in another to get weighed and checked and she comes back in to lay on the table as the nurse performs the scan.

Nurse: So do you want to know?

Quinn: Definitely

Nurse: Well it's a healthy little girl

A girl a little girl

Noah owes me a bag full of Gummy bears

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