Chapter 1

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Your P.O.V

I walked into my apartment sitting my keys on the island," Lauren?" I called out for my girlfriend who had been here when I left this morning. I sighed walking around into the kitchen seeing a note on the fridge. "Hey babe I had to leave Ty and I are heading out for the night so I'll see you in the morning.Text me when you see this so I know you got home safely, " I read out loud before crumbling the paper and throwing it in the trash. "Should've known." I mumbled. I was just the mistress; Lauren and Ty had been together for maybe two years now. Well a half a year ago I met Lauren at the grocery store, then we bumped into each other again at a park, and then finally at a club down the street. It was all fun and games until caught feelings for one another and decided to give it a try. Unfortunately she's still however in a relationship with the one and only Ty Dollar Sign. He lucky knows nothing about me. I opened the fridge groaning seeing it was empty then turning to the counter seeing an hundred dollar bill causing me to roll my eyes. Lauren would always leave money when she went out with him and it really pissed me off. No matter how many times we fought over this she still didn't listen to me. I grabbed the cash and opened the cabinet grabbing the jar that I kept all the cash she had previous gave me; stuffing the bill in the inside and putting it back.

I sighed grabbing my keys and making my way to the door. As soon as I swung the door open I came face to face with Alyssa who was getting ready to put her key into the door knob. "Well hello there." She said pulling me into an hug. Alyssa was my best friend we had been bestfriends since we met my sophomore year in high school. "Hey how'd you get here?" I said as I pulled away and picked her bag up throwing it into the house before shutting the door and locking it. "Ma dropped me off." She said as we headed to the garage. I nodded silently stuffing my hands in my pocket as we finally made our way to my car. I was freezing my ass off and would rather be in my bed right now, but the house needed groceries. "Where we going?" Alyssa asked as she jumped into the passenger seat. "To the store because I don't have any groceries in the house." I said turning the heat on as I started the car and pulled out of the garage. "Thought it was Lauren's turn?" She said causing me to roll my eyes. "It is. She's out wit Ty." I said simply causing her to hush knowing I didn't like speaking much about Lauren when it came to her and Ty. I saw her turn around and grab a notepad out my backpack and a pen, " Alright so obviously we need cereal ,milk, pancake mix, bottles of water, bottles of orange juice, bread, cheese. What am I missing?" She said writing shit down as I drove in the direction of the store. "I need some oatmeal and flour. " I said as I continued adding things while she wrote then down. By the time we got to the grocery store we had a full list.

"Alright we're not getting anything that we don't need. Do you hear me Alyssa?" I asked causing my bestfriend to nod with a determined look on her face. I shook my head knowing that even though we both agreed on it we'd still get shit that we didn't need. As soon as got inside and grabbed a buggy my phone began to vibrate. I pushed it down an aisle while Alyssa began grabbing things off the list as I pulled my phone out and answered it,"Yellow?" I answered leaning against the buggy as I followed Alyssa down another aisle. "Hey baby." I heard Lauren say from the other side of the line. "Oh hey Laur . I thought you were with Ty?" I asked as we walked down the cereal aisle. "I am, but you never texted me so I called to make sure you were okay." She said causing me to bite my lip and sigh. "Yeah I'm fine. Just forgot to call I'm at the grocery store right now." I said looking down at the stuff in the cart. "Shit I knew I forgot to do something baby. I'm sorry." Lauren said apologizing. I looked up and saw Alyssa dancing in the aisle with a jar of pickles in front of me causing me to snort causing Lauren to stop talking. "I hope you know you're not putting that in my cart. I don't even eat pickles." I spoke causing her too shrug and put it in the cart anyway, "Okay but I eat them so moving on." She said causing me to huff and continued following her. "Who was that? Who are you at the store with?" Lauren asked before my phone beginning dinging again causing me to pull it away and see a FaceTime call coming in from her causing me to sigh.

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