Chapter 3

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Your P.O.V

I laid on the bed as I watch Lauren packed her bag,"I'm going to miss you." Lauren spoke as she stopped and looked at me. I simply looked down at the sheets that were held in my hand. "Yeah well." I said sighing before I stood up from the bed. "I need to get ready." I said stretching as Kehlani walked into the room as I made my way into the bathroom shutting the door. "She's still mad?" I heard Lani asked. "Yeah but I knew she would." Lauren said before I turned on the water. I needed to clear my head or else it was going to keep bothering me. I quickly took a shower before I got out letting the steam out the bathroom before I started on my hair and makeup. I knew Lauren's flight didn't leave until 5am tomorrow morning so I would be back before she left. Once I finished I tighten the towel around me before exiting the bathroom seeing Lauren laying on the bed scrolling through Instagram. I walked onto my side of the bed and sat myself down as I grabbed my phone sending a text to Dikota to see if she wanted to do something today.

I felt Lauren moving around on the bed behind me before a hand wrapped around my throat tilting my head to the side before her lips made contact with my neck. I shuddered as she began kissing around my neck. "You smell nice." Lauren mumbled against my neck causing me to smile slowly trying to remove myself from her. "Well I would hope so I just got out the shower." I said before her grip tightened pulling me back towards her. She slowly turned my head to face her as she connected our lips. I felt her free hand pulling on my towel causing it to open pooling around my waist now. Lauren moved quick and swiftly now having me pinned underneath her with my towel now thrown somewhere around the room. Lauren's kisses began going lower and lower as they got wetter and wetter. I couldn't help but tangle my hands in her hair as she got closer to where I wanted her. Right as she got to the spot I needed her the most her phone began ringing causing her to stop and look at me. "I swear if you pick that up Jauregui I will kill you." I said causing her to look at me guiltily before reaching over and grabbing the phone. "It's Ty." She mumbled as she answered the phone still between in my legs. I looked at her in disbelief before I moved off the bed grabbing my phone seeing a message from Dikota telling me she would here in thirty twenty minutes ago. "Shit." I said picking my towel up and throwing it in the bin before I began rushing around the room. I threw on my favorite set of lingers before I threw on a pair of jeans and shit before going back in the bathroom and touching up my makeup.

 I threw on my favorite set of lingers before I threw on a pair of jeans and shit before going back in the bathroom and touching up my makeup

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I quickly threw on a beanie as my phone began blowing up on the bed causing me to laugh quietly knowing it wasn't anyone but Dikota.

I saw Lauren ending the call with Ty before she looked over at me confused. "Where are you going?" She asked as I grabbed my phone telling Dikota I was on my way out without reading her messages. "Out." I said grabbing my bag throwing my makeup bag in it along with my phone charger and wallet."Out where?" She asked getting out the bed as a horn was blew outside. Lauren walked to the window seeing the black truck that had dropped me off the other night. "You're going out with that chick." She asked as I walked to the front door grabbing my keys off the ring. " I sure am." I said before opening the door. "Bye Lauren." I said closing the door before she started an argument. I hurried out the building seeing Dikota truck sitting in front of the entrance. "Hello you little asshole." I said opening the door climbing in the truck throwing my bag in the back. "Me the asshole? I've been out here for ten minutes." She said pushing me lightly before we pulled out the parking lot. "So what are we doing for today?" I asked playing with the radio. "Well we going to meet Kelsie, Q , and Bree at the Zoo and ice skatng." She said causing me to look at her like she had two heads. " I can barely walk without falling you think I can ice skate. " I said causing her to laugh before shrugging her shoulder. "I'll be there to help you."

The whole car ride consist of laughing joking and dancing. By the time we got to the Zoo it was 40 degrees outside and the wind had began blowing. As soon as I got out the car I groaned as the wind hit me hard. "It's freezing. " I said grabbing one of her jackets from the back and putting it on. "Come on. They're already here." We paid our way into the Zoo then went to find the ice rink. As soon as we entered the cold tent we were greeted by our very loud friends. "Hello to you all too." I said as we paid for our skates. "Everybody ready to buss their asses?" I asked lacing my shoes up. We all stood up holding on to the sides before we stepped foot on ice. I saw Dikota holding her phone up recording us grinning as we all slid onto the ice.

I groaned as I walked back into the house my ass was hurting and my legs were sore. I walked into my bedroom seeing Lauren laying in the bed playing music quietly causing me to sigh going to take a quick shower.

"I love you." I spoke softly as I wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her back against my front. "We're been so much and still going to have a lot of shit to get through later on down the road but I love you and I know we'll get through this. I just need you to be honest and communicate with me." I said before placing a kiss on her shoulder. I heard her sigh before she rolled over so she was facing me. "I love you too Y/N." She said moving a strand of her behind my ear. "I'm sorry baby." Lauren said as tears formed in her eyes. I pulled her to lay onto of me causing her to put her face in my chest and sob. I held her in my arms rubbing her back,"It's okay...I forgive you. " I said kissing the side of her head as she continued sobbing into my arms. I knew that wasn't the only thing she was crying about it. I knew Lauren bottled her feelings up and she had did something she regretted but still hadn't told me just yet. Whatever it was I knew it was going to hurt when she did decide to tell me but until then I'd be here holding her.

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