Chapter 2

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Your P.O.V

I woke up the next morning cuddled into a sleeping Camila. I could see the sun peaking through the curtains causing me to groan lightly before I sat up and stretched. I knew Lauren wasn't home yet because I would've woken up beside her if she was. I stood up from the couch and headed towards the bathroom handling my business and brushing my teeth before I headed towards the kitchen to start on breakfast before the girls woke up. I felt my phone vibrate against my thigh causing me to pull it out of my pocket seeing a text from my boss asking me if I could come in for Alexis today. I worked with most of my friends and I loved my job so I went ahead and agreed especially since my girlfriend wasn't even home. I quickly made the girls a few waffles and eggs before I brewed me some coffee and headed to the back to get ready for work.

I grabbed my black button down shirt throwing it on before slipping a pair of black pants on and tying my hair up as I made my way to the front to wake the girls, only to find them already up and eating. "Woah are you going to button that?" Dinah asked referring to my open shirt causing me to shrug as I finished my hair and fix my belt in my pants. "I hope those aren't the pants you're wearing to work cause damn girl."  Mani said eyeing my ass causing me to smile shaking my head. "Unfortunately they are and they're my favorite pair." I spoke pouring me a cup of coffee before I took it and headed towards my room. "I thought you didn't have to work today?" Alyssa asked as her and the girls followed behind me.

I shrugged my shoulder taking a sip from the mug," I didn't but Tony texted and asked if I could come in and I said I would." I said sitting the mug on the nightstand before I made my way into the bathroom to start on my makeup. "Let me find out you only going to see Dikota." My bestfriend said causing me to groan. "I'm not going for her." I said laughing softly. "I'm going for the money." I said as I quickly did my make up. I didn't know when Lauren was coming back but I sure as hell didn't wanna be here when she got back.

I rushed around the room making sure I had all my stuff packed," You already know the routine clean up whatever mess you make because I will be the one that has to listen to Lauren complain about it and then clean it up so please do that and also if she ask where I am do not tell her." I said shrugging my shoulders. "This isn't going to help yall relationship." Dinah said softly. "What relationship because this isn't how I wanted my relationship to turn out like. " And with that being said I left.

As soon as I got to work I couldn't help but smile as everyone greeted me like normal. I quickly clocked in making my around back to help get the orders out faster. "Y/N hey girl." Nicole spoke as she came from the back. "Hey." I said sweetly as we all began to slow down. I hated working with morning shift the only person I was close to was Nicole. I stood in front of the kitchen crew  bagging all the food that came out as Nicole stood beside me. "Morning Nicole." Q said smiling brightly at the pale girl that stood next to me. "Hey guys." She said deciding to speak to the whole kitchen crew. I smiled softly before taking a seat behind her,"When are you going to let me take you out on a date?" He asked causing everyone to look at her. I could see her getting uncomfortable with all the stares she was getting. I gently pulled her into me causing her to stand between my legs,"Sorry Q find somebody else. You know Nicole is going to be my wife one day." I said as I cocky smirked began to form on my face as everyone lost their shit. "I don't see a ring." He said narrowing his eyes at me. I grabbed Nicole's hand in mine," A promise ring always comes first." I said holding Nicole's hand up. " I don't see yours." He said causing Nicole to step in. "You know I'm broke I'm saving up on the wedding ring and not a promise ring." Nicole said lacing our fingers together. "You know Y/N is my woman." She said causing me to smile cutely before the headset began ringing causing us all to disperse.

Not long after that Dikota walked in which caused Nicole to distance herself away from me like always. It was the same old routine play in the morning but when D walked in everyone knew not to mess with me . Dikota wasn't anyone special, she had rejected me many times in the past so I let go. However people believed I got my position because I was 'fucking' the boss especially since I got promoted after only working here for four months, but that was almost a year and an half ago.

She walked straight to the back ignoring everyone as we watched her quietly. I knew not to bother her since she was probably still sleepy or simply not in the mood to play right now. "You gone go see what's wrong with her?" Zz asked causing me to look at the clock and shake my head. "That's none of my business. She probably just tired I know she closed last night. " I said before getting back to work.

I knew Lauren had been messaging me but I didn't know it was this many. 349 messages and 78 miss calls. I wasn't ignoring her on purpose I was just busy. I never got on my phone at work I didn't want to set a bad example. I didn't want my crew to think it was okay to get on their phones whenever they pleased because it wasn't. It was 12am and I had just finished closing the store, but I knew I still had to wait on Dikota to do her deposit. I grabbed my phone and placed myself on the table beside Dikota as she counted the money from today. I began reading Lauren's messages not even hearing Dikota who had been calling my name. "Yeah I'm sorry what's up?" I asked after she tapped my thigh. "Will you go check the store than we can head out." She said as I jumped down. "Alright give me a minute. " I said sliding my phone back into my pocket. I walked around making sure everything was turned off and all the rags were in the back. I could hear Love Lies playing off Dikota's phone as she walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge. I smiled to myself as I began singing my friends single.

I could help but pour my heart out into the song I didn't even notice Dikota watching me as I made my way back to the front. I turned around only coming face to face with Dikota,"How come I didn't know you could sing?" She asked crossing her arms as I shrugged my shoulders. "That's not something I want people to know. " I said sitting back on the desk as she leaned on it next to me watching me closely. "What?" I asked causing her to sigh. "Y/N you're to young. " She said causing me to shake my head with a sarcastic smile forming on my face. "Of course two years younger than you is going to kill you." I said sarcastically "You know its not like that." Dikota said trying to touch me causing me to jerk back. "I don't want to hear any excuses." I said closing my eyes and shaking my head. "Y/N please." Dikota said before we pulled away hearing my phone ring in my pocket again. I pulled it out my pocket seeing it was Lauren causing me to sigh and put it back in my pocket. "We should probably get out of here. I have a long night ahead of me." I said sighing as she walked to the kitchen and grabbed her food while I grabbed our bags and food. "Alright throw all this in the truck and make sure the bathroom door outside is locked. " She said causing me to nod and do exactly what she asked before I went and sat in her truck.

I unlocked the door and pushed it open quietly before walking in and shutting it making sure it was locked. I saw something flying towards my head causing me to duck. A glass hit the door causing it to shatter and fall all over the floor. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" I asked glaring at Lauren who stood a few feet away from me with her arms crossed. "Where the fuck have you been? I've been calling you all day." Lauren said glaring at me. "I've been working all day Lauren!" I said causing her glare to harden. "Then who fucking truck did you get out of?WHO THE FUCK WHERE YOU WITH?" She said picking up another glass ready to throw another one. "LAUREN FUCKING JAUREGUI YOU BETTER NOT THROW THAT!" I yelled causing her eyes to widen and her to nod her head. "Are you yelling at me?" Lauren asked tossing the glass up and down. "Lauren I'm not pla-" I ducked as she threw another one at me. I glared making my way towards her as she picked up another one. I snatched it out her hand before throwing it at the wall in the kitchen before I smashed our lips together. Lauren bit my lip harshly as I picked her up by her thighs slamming her into the wall as my lips made their way to her neck. "Fuck!" She said as I moved us towards the bedroom. "Next time I tell you to stop you will." I said before I kicked the door close and got busy.

Lauren rolled off me and breathed heavily as I tried to catch my breath."Who dropped you off?" Lauren asked as I pulled her into my arms. "Dikota." I said closing my eyes. "Why weren't you picking up my calls?" She asked causing me to open one eye and look down at her. "Because we got our asses tore up and handed to us. I went in for Alexis and then still had to do some of Dikota work for her. Plus I was also getting trained to become a partner so I can get paid more." I said closing my eyes once more and she snuggled into my chest. "So Christmas is coming up." I said I could feel her tense up causing me to look down at her confused. "About that."She said causing me to sit us up. "What did you do Lauren?" I asked resting my head in my hands. "I'm actually taking Ty home with me." Lauren said causing my head to snap in her direction. "Are you serious? Lauren you told me we were going to spend Christmas with your family so I could meet them." I said causing her to open her mouth to try to explain causing me to shake my head. "It's fine. I'll be fine. It's late try and get some sleep." I said pulling the sheets up and over my head as I laid in the bed.

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