Chapter 4

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Six Months Ago

I stood in the line with Alyssa as we waited for them to finish scanning our groceries. Today had to be one o the slowest day this year. "I'm so ready to go get in the bed." She groaned behind me. I had just picked Alyssa up from her campus since she would be spending her fall break with me. "Yeah well you and me both. " I said as I paid for the groceries. "Shit I forgot the milk do you mind taking these to the car while I go get some?" I asked handing her the keys before dashing to the back of the store not waiting for her to reply. It wasn't until I turned the corner and bumped into somebody that I knew I shouldn't have been running. "Fuck." The mystery person spoke as she hit the ground. "Shit shit shit I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have been running and I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. Here let me help you." I said dropping to my knees and picking up the stuff she had dropped before helping the mystery girl up only to get lost in her green eyes. She smiled before clearing her throat, "No it's completely fine. Just watch where you're going next time. Wouldn't want anyone getting hurt. " She said before glancing over me one last time and smiling before she walked away. Well fuck.

A week later

I jogged around the park early Tuesday morning by myself. It was only nine in the morning but I didn't want to be trapped in the house all day knowing if I didn't get out now I wouldn't do anything later. I looked around the park admiring how peaceful it all looked. I groaned as a puppy ran around my feet causing me to become tangled in its leash that I hit the ground. I groaned before sitting up and untangling myself from the dog's leash before picking it up as the same girl I ran into at the grocery store. "Fuck I'm sorry. I don't even know how she got away from me. " She said taking the door from me before looking up taking a step back in surprise. "We really have to stop meeting like this," I said dusting my ass off. "I'm Y/N. " I said holding my hand out waiting for her to introduce herself. "You don't know me?" She asked causing me to shrug my shoulders. "I know you but you're no different than anybody else," I said giving her a small smile. "So with that being said. Hey, I'm Y/N Y/L/N ", I said holding my hand back out causing her to grin before shaking my hand. "Nice to meet you Y/N I'm Lauren. Lauren Jauregui " She said biting her lip. "Like-wise. It's been nice bumping into you Lauren but I really should be heading home." I said smiling at her softly. "Can I at least have your number?" She asked catching me off guard. "Why?" I asked laughing softly. "Because I find you interesting." She spoke confidently. "Well how about this. If we ever run into each other again I'll give you my number." I said winking at her before I turned and jogged off.

I hadn't seen Lauren in a couple of days causing me to smile. The only places I had been to were work and back home. Tonight however I was being forced out the house by the one and only Kota. I wasn't really a big club person but I knew either way she'd get me out the house and it was just easier agreeing to go then her barging in making me get dress and go.

I finished getting ready and headed to the club which Kota happened to already be at before heading inside seeing her standing at the bar talking to a few of our co-workers

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I finished getting ready and headed to the club which Kota happened to already be at before heading inside seeing her standing at the bar talking to a few of our co-workers. "Damn girl you clean up nice," Nicole said spotting me first. "She's right if I was into girls I'd fuck you," Brittany said causing me to roll my eyes and take a seat at the bar beside them. "This is yours," Kota said sliding a shot my way. "You have to catch up. " She said shrugging innocently causing me to grin and take the shot before I took the other two she slid my way. "Soon it'll be yall having to catch up with me," I said before heading towards the dance floor. I didn't need anybody to dance with as long as I had alcohol in my system and they played the right music I'd have fun by myself. I felt a hand grip my waist pulling me back into them causing me to shrug my shoulders and reach back resting my hand on the back of there neck. "I believe you owe me your number now." She spoke into my ear causing me to grin as she intertwined our fingers causing me to grip her hand before spinning us around causing her ass to now press against my front. "Of course an club is were you spot me ,Jauregui." I spoke in her ear. "A deal is a deal babe." She said turning her head so her lips brushed against my neck. "I'll give you my number but lets just enjoy the night."

End Of Flash Back.

That was how I met Lauren and trust me when we first start seeing each other it was all fun and games. She'd only been to my place once before she moved me to somewhere better. I had been to her and Ty's place a handful of times before that. It wasn't until we almost got caught that she decided to pack me up and move me somewhere better and safer.


I laid in bed with Lauren drifting in and out of sleep as she watched Extremely Wicked Shockingly Evil and Vile. I pulled her back into me even more as I cuddled into her back causing her to intertwine our fingers. This was my first time here but after yesterday's events, I decided now how to control myself around her. Yesterday. I couldn't help but smile at the events that happened yesterday. No, we didn't have sex but we almost did. I could tell Lauren was nervous yesterday especially since she didn't know where she could place her hands. I knew after our talk last night she'd be more comfortable if we ever did get close again. We had talked about our likes and dislikes, our spots, what was okay and what wasn't okay. I don't think she thought to much about it but hopefully she'd be a little more comfortable. I drifted back to sleep as Lauren finished her show cursing at the television as if they'd hear her .

I woke up as Lauren turned around in my arms resting her face in my neck. I grabbed the remote turning Jail Birds on as Lauren relaxed in my arms. I felt her hand rubbing my sides causing me to sigh peacefully before she brought her hands to my face tilting my hand down as she connected our lips. I wrapped my hand around her neck causing her to suck on my lip as she climbed on top of me grabbing my wrist pinning them above her head before she brought her lips down to my neck sucking and biting anywhere she could get. She let go of my hands as moans started escaping my mouth and grabbed my thigh pulling it to wrap around her waist as she tugged my shirt down to getting more access. I tangled my hair in her hair before pulling her up and connecting our lips groaning as her hands grabbed my ass. Lauren smirked before pulling away with a pop and rolling back onto the bed. I turned pulling her back into an kiss before pulling her towards me and looking at the time. "We need to get up I have to be at work soon and I want to be gone before Ty get's here." I said causing her to groan before rolling out the bed heading to the kitchen. I grinned before getting out the bed and following her into the kitchen. "Do you really have to work? I can take care of you." Lauren said as she rinsed some grapes off and began eating them. "Yes I have to go to work. I don't like you spending money on me. I don't need you taking care of me I'm a big girl." I said rolling my eyes. I threw an hoodie on since their apartment was freezing. Grabbing my tooth brush and work clothes I headed towards the bathroom to get ready for work while Lauren went and threw some clothes on.

I rinsed my mouth out before pulling my hoodie and shirt off before slipping my button up on as I looked up in the mirror. "LAURENNN!" I shouted opening the bathroom door leaving my shirt unbuttoned as Lauren looked up at me from the her spot in the kitchen. "What?" She asked confused . "Come here." I said now pouting. She sat her glass down before making her way towards me grinning as she noticed the marks she had just left on me. Four overly large bruises from my neck to my chest. "Don't smile it's not funny. How am I suppose to cover these? I didn't bring any make up." I asked causing her to shrug. "I didn't even realize I was making them but I guess that'll keep people from feeling on you while you're at work." She said shrugging her shoulders not caring. I grabbed her pulling her into me smashing our lips together causing her to push me against the wall caressing my sides. I pulled away kissing her softly before slipping out of her trap and headed back into the bathroom to get ready.

It wasn't until we got into the car and an car pulled in behind us that I realized what the fuck I was actually getting myself into."I'll be back I need to get out and speak and hug him or he'll be wondering." She said opening the door making her way to his car as he opened the door stepping out. I looked down at my phone as she spoke to her boyfriend. She made her way back into the car slipping inside. "I love you." He called as she shut the door. He watched her with his arms crossed causing her to let down the window. "What?" She asked as if she hadn't heard him. "I love you." He repeated the statement he had already said. "Love you too."She said before he walked in the house as we pulled out. I stayed silent as we headed back. "What's wrong?" She asked poking my sides as we headed back. "Nothing." I said grabbing her hand and intertwining our fingers bring them to my mouth before I looked out the window listening to the music that played quietly.

Was I really about to stay with a woman that was already in a relationship with a man that obviously loved her more than she noticed?

Realized that I didn't really give y'all a background of how Lauren and you actually met. So here you go.

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