Good girl gone bad?

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"Come on Kate were gonna be late! Again because of you! Hurry up!" stupid school I thought. I ran downstairs with my hair down with high tops, jeans with holes, and an Aeropostale shirt. I grabbed my helmet and I got on the back of Devon's motorcycle off to school. We've been best friends since we where both three. He protects me because he is my second in command and his father is my

Moms protecter too, so it only made sense for him to be mine. Anyway I guess while we are going to school I might as well tell you about myself. Hey, I'm Kate Stevens. I have neon green eyes and dark brown hair. I am considered a trouble maker and rebel but so what? I just like doing things my way and if you got a problem with it, well let's just say it feeds the flame. I consider the boys in my pack house my brothers since I have been best friends with them since I was born, and Devon is closest to me because of his place in the system. He has green eyes like mine but his have flecks of black in them while mine has gold flecks. We are both tan but that's because we hung out at the beach a lot over he summer. Then there is Ethan, Sean, AJ, Lucas, Josh, Alex, Jesse, Jack, and last but not least Michael. Yes that's right I am the only girl in my pack house but so what? It's not like I am interested in any of them. They are like my brothers and they are really over protected. Anyway we are all 15 or 16 years old. I am 15 and so is Devon. We are the babies of the pack and that mean all the other guys look out for us. Anyway that's all you need to know at the moment but back to the motorcycle. I didn't do anything do my hair because I knew that I would have air blown air and I live for that style so I left it down. I have some purple highlights in my hair and that makes it look even better. We get off the bike and race into the school. Of corse I win again because I am just that good. Plus I do a lot of sports so that helps to. We go to a school where there are hans and there are wolves from my pack. we are the ones who always get in trouble because of a. We are always fighting with the jealous humans and b. my pack protects me. I couldn't have asked for a better life, unless I get in trouble the all that goes down the toilet. We got to our first period which was science, and we quietly sit in our chairs. Our teacher Mr. Knight likes us and he is also from our pack so he pretends that we where here the whole time and the rest of the guys from our house snickers. Did I mention that we all have the same class schedule which leads to us getting in trouble a lot more than regular kids? Well it does have a great factor in it. Since we still have to get punished like a the rest of the kids Mr. Knight makes Devon and I go first in presenting our power points about the periodic table. We get up there and all of the guys in our house are trying to make us laugh and smile by being the stupidest they can be and it works for a while until I see Mr. Knight filming them and I burst out laughing. I'm thinking to myself what dill-weeds. How stupid can they get? I am totally gonna use that for black mail. Anyway we finish our presentation and the next thing I know is that the day is over and we are going home.

On the ride home I get to thinking about my 16th birthday. It's the day you are supposed to find your mate and all the rest of the guys have except for me, Jesse, jack, and Devon. I go into my room and jump on my bed and fall asleep instantly dreaming about what's gonna happen in the next week.

So what do you guys think? It's my first story so I hope it goes well. I'll try updating regularly but school is very busy and you all know how it is. Tell me what you think and give me any ideas of what you want to happen in this story. Like what or who should Kate's mate be? What trouble will she get in before her birthday stuff like that. Thanks for reading!

Kaitlyn signing out!

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