What did you do to her?

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Devon's POV

Where is Kate. The guys threw her into the lake but she hasn't come up yet. "guys, hey guys where is she. She hasn't come up yet. I swear to god if you guys fucking hurt her in anyway i will murder you and make it look like an accident!' Hey its not my fault she's my mate. I see her hair and jump into the lake looking around to see what shes stuck on or what's holding her down. Kate was thrown into a bed of weeds and its all tangled with her in it, and to make matters worse she is unconsious. I bring out the knife i always have in my pocket and start cutting as soon as i can. I finally get the last one and the guys have finally sobered up and are looking terrified at the sight they see. Kate's lips are purple and she looks really pale. I hand her to the guys and they take her up and I can't see who's doing CPR but i know they are doing it. I jump up and i take off my shirt and wrap it around Kate and she starts coughing up water but as soon as she is done she falls back to sleep. I sigh and pick her up and storm back into the house. I went upstairs to her bed and get as many blankets i could on the way up. I put her under the covers and I add the extra blankets seeing the tan come back to her skin and her lips going back to normal. As i leave her arms tighten around me wrist and pulls me down. Before i know what was happening i was laying down next to her and it didn't seem like she was going to be letting go anytime soon. I let out a breath as I see her looking as good as new but she's knocked out cold so I take the extra blankets and throw them to the ground. I cuddle next to her and as soon as I do i am surrounded by darkness.

(Next Morning still Devon speaking)

I woke up and saw Kate was still sleeping but her body tempurature was normal. I got off the bed slowly so i wouldn't wake her and went to the kitchen to make breakfast for everyone. Once I got down there I saw all the guys asleep on the couches and floor. Now i feel bad because I had snapped at them but can you blame me my mate was hurt and I was worried. Anyways I got to the kitchen and took out two frying pans and started on teh eggs and bacon. Once they where done I put them on plates and made a huge stack of pancakes. After all of the food was done I could here the guys getting up and coming to the kitchen. They all sat down but once they realized who was with them they stopped and stared at me. "Guys I know I snapped at you guys last night and I sorry but, I was just worried about Kate, I mean you all should know the feeling when your mate is hurt and you couldv'e prevented it."

"Dude it's okay but we need to talk to you about one thing. What are you going to do about Brady? He is her mate too." Crap I didn't think about that. I don't know what i'm going to do about that. I'm hoping she will pick me but there is nothing I can do about that except treat her the best I can. 'Yeah dude that sounds good." OOps i guess i said that out loud I hope Kate didn't hear than it will make it all wierd between us.


I need to get Kate as my mate. I need her to pick me to carry out our plan. I will become the greatest wolf alive. She is the only female alpha in a million years and she has special powers and thats why she has two chances. It proves wiether she is good or if she is evil. I know she is evil she just needs a little push and when I get her to choice me over that mutt I will rule the werewolf world. I just need a way to get her alone but I know that's not possible since that mutt Devon has to be with her 24/7. This is the disadvanage I have, he is her protecter and he has a stronger bond than I do with her. The moon goddess is going to do everything in her power to make sure she picks Devon over me and I don't blame her. I mean I wouldn't trust myself either, but she decided to do this and she probably has a good reason. All I know is that I'm not going down with out a fight. Weather she likes it or not Kate will be mine, no matter what the cost is.

Kate's POV (sorry) 

I open my eyes and i'm greeted with the light. I groan and get up from bed. I walk downstairs and right when I do i hear the rest of the boys talking but it seems like they just stopped. Gosh Dangit! oh well, I walk in like it was nothing and get some orange jucie and just sat on a stool with all the guys staring at me. After a couple minutes they all started saying how sorry they where. I laughed and got up, i hugged every single one of them. I could tell Devon was angry so I hugged him too, then he relaxed. Tipical. "Guys i'm the alpha's daughter, you can't get rid of me that easily." After that we all went outside to play some football, soccer, and baseball. I just couldn't get the feeling that someone was watching me. 

Hey guys i know i haven't updated in a long time and im sorry. So who do you think is watching the group play around? K out

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2014 ⏰

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