Two Hours Until Christmas

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"So, I heard after grandma left, you ran straight for Emma?" Henry proudly questions, inquisitive as always for more information.

"I panicked. I had just seen a ghost of my enemy, whisking me away through some horrible times in my life," she grumbles as they land just outside the sheriff's station.

Regina's head tilts back as she takes in the peacefully atmosphere before she is forced inside to listen to more of Hook and Emma's bickering. For a moment, she's somewhat relieved that they are not back in the Enchanted Forest. She will call it a win if she doesn't see her mother's face again this evening.


"I beg your pardon?" She snaps her attention back toward the ghostly version of her son.

"You said, enemy. Snow's not your enemy anymore, she's your friend," he shrugs casually as if his statement is common knowledge and no big deal before he snaps his fingers again.

"I don't think I approve of you having magic," she slyly replies as she watches the world around them change once again.

Old brick walls pile high around them, along with rickety desks and chairs. Soon the green bars of the jail cell come into view, followed by a worn out Emma and a furious Hook.

"If you would have stayed and listened a little while longer, maybe you would have learned something new," Henry scolds her and nods his head in the direction of Storybrooke's, 'it couple'.

"Henry, we shouldn't be eavesdropping on your other mother's private conversation with her boyfriend," she rolls her eyes even though she is intrigued to discover what they were discussing after she had left.

"He's not her boyfriend," Henry annoyingly grumbles at the exact same time Emma exasperates, "you're not my boyfriend!"

Regina's head whips around so fast, she panics internally thinking she may have just strained her neck.

"Look, I'm sorry Killian, but I don't think we will ever work," Emma sighs heavily, flopping into her chair and still rubbing her neck furiously from the stress induced ache.

"What are you talking about, love? Didn't we have a lovely date? If I recall, you kissed me goodnight," he conceitedly replies while wiggling his thick black brows.

"Yes, I did and I thought that maybe I could really like you, but just..."

"Just what?"

"Just felt like work. You are always following me around and begging for attention when I am clearly busy. I like attention, don't get me wrong, but you hardly give me room to breathe. You're always there!"

"I'm just trying to win your affection. I want you to see that I'm a changed man, Swan."

"I know you have changed, but...I just don't think this is what I want. If it was, this wouldn't be so hard and I wouldn't feel guilty every time I see you. I should feel excited, not dread from having to bicker about me working or not showing you enough attention."

"Is this about, Regina? Because her happy ending walked off?"

"I can't keep doing this with you, Killian. I'm done. We are done."

A swarm of anxious butterflies wake from hibernation and stretch their wings deep inside Regina's abdomen. She fights back the swelling sensation of pride and turns toward her son, who has magicked himself a bag of popcorn while he watches this drama unfold before him. He smirks, popping a kernel into his mouth.

"Henry, why would you bring me here? Why, of all the places we could be right now, are you showing me your mother dumping the pirate?" She softly inquires.

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