Doomed Forever

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Kim lightly touched the door and like a command it opened, soundlessly.

Inside lay the first window she had in countered from hours of searching. It was boarded up by pieces of rotting wood and rusted nails.

The fading light bulb that hung over head gave just enough light to make things out, but not enough to see.

The room that she walked into was small. It almost didn't match the rest of the building that she had explored.

The sound of a dropping foset reached her chilled ears. Kim rubbed her bare arms as she watched her breath puff out like a small white ghost with nothing to say.

She does not remember it being winter, but the coldness in the room was shocking from the mild temperature of the building.

Soon she realized that she was in a bathroom, and stumbled over to the fosit hoping the water still ran. She turned it, ready for a drip of something, but nothing came.

Slowly lifting her shaking fingers she felt the nozzle, and realized that there was no water in it in the first place.

So where was that sound coming from?

Stepping out of the room she shivered at the thought of turning back for something. It almost seemed that the room itself was watching, waiting for her to do something.

But what?

Kim had to find that dripping noise. There was no way she could ignore it now. She entered back in and stood taking a long good look.

The toilet was lying all over the ground like rigid stones. The once to be tiles in the same fashion. Her feet were bare and bruised so much that it was hard to feel anything under them, so she did not notice the blood.

Kim leaned on the useless sink and tried to look in the broken mirror. Too many pieces were missing to see her reflection, but she did not want to see it. Kim had been here to long to look 'good'.

Sighing she looked down and felt a drip on her arm. Touching it to see what it was, she smeared it all over her arm. But it was to late, Kim already knew what it was.

She started shivering uncontrollably, and it was not because of the cold. Looking up took all her hope, all her dreams and all her wishes screaming out the door. She would have been too if not for her legs being mentally tied to the floor.

Broken hollow faces looked down at her with soft dead eyes. Children who had once laughed, smiled and giggled now had cried as they were nailed to the ceiling, left to die with not even a whisper. Some of there mouthes were sealed with stitches. Some Kim could tell died screaming. The children nailed to the ceiling died with a whisper, or a scream that was never answered.

Kim's eyes cracked, her heart shattered, and something cut the strings attached to her quivering legs. She was flying down the hallways, sobbing as she fell to her knees.

It was then she thought:

will I ever leave my own person hell or am I doomed forever?


(Flash back dream)

Kim's eyes flew open. She was siting in a torture room, with hands chained to the wall. Her feet were tied together in a tight knot of something, like the rest.

At least 6 other corpses lay in the room with her. At first she was confused and could only think what's going on? I don't remember getting here, and what happened to my boyfriend!

She finally realized the decaying corpses that lay around her, hooked up to the walls and dragged and beaten on the floor. She held back a scream.

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