New Discoveries

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"Angel! Listen to me carefully, okay?"

Angel was on her hands and knees looking down at Kim. "Kim! Kim! Are you okay?" She cried, almost sobbing.

"I'm fine" a complete lie, " listen to me okay."

Angel nodded and wiped some of her tears away. Kim knew it was way too dangerous for Angel to come to her, so she decided to go to Angel.

"Go back to the room we were just in, the room I found you in. Stay in there and wait for me to come okay?"

"But, what about you! You're two floors down, how do I know you'll come, and that nothing bad will happen to you!"

Kim looked up at her pleadingly. "You don't. But we need to trust each other," she tried to move but it hurt too much.

Looking back up at Angel she called "do you trust me? Do you trust me to come back?" Angel looked down at Kim.

She was lying on her side on the floor, it looked painful from that high up. Angel wanted desperately to help but knew nothing she did would help.

Angel knew Kim was right, but didn't like that she was useless. "I trust you." And with one last look she got up and ran to the room.

Slamming the door shut she crawled under the desk and waited for Kim to come.

Kim sighed and watched her go. She tried to sit up but it hurt too much.

Glancing around the room she found herself in a storage area. Just my luck, get hurt find a storage area, can't walk, water across the room Kim thought shaking her head.

Most of the room was empty besides what her fall had brought in, but it held a few things that people did not take.

Some canned food, water and lots of shelfs. With one good thrust she forced herself onto her back.

Most of what had gotten hurt was her left side that she landed on. That is going to be one big bruise. Nothing was broken from the two story drop, and Kim was grateful but also worried.

That should have broken something she thought. Two stories is not exactly like falling out of a bed.

Slowly, painfully she rolled her wrist and ankles. Trying to lift her legs she cried out in pain.

Soon she needed to get up. Kim looked sideways and noticed the door was wide open.

Her eyes enlarged as she listened. Noises she never heard before filled the hallways.

Was this the floor? The floor I opened the beast into and ran? There was no option now.

Forcing herself to get up, Kim bit back the intense pain and fear and limped over to the door, slowly closing it so no sound was made.

Leaning against it she tried to not think about Angel all alone. Her eyes searched the room again, and her burning throat loved the sight of water, which sat at on a shelf.

Stiffly walking over, Kim grabbed a bottle and started chugging. It hurt so much, but ah. Water had never tasted this good to her before.

After the first one she reached for a second but decided against it. She needed to save water for the whole time she was there and for Angel.

Bending her head in thought she pondered how long will we be here? it feels like I've traveled so far but gotten nowhere. Will we ever get out? I need to get Angel out.

Brushing these thoughts away she got to work. She added on most of the food and all the water in the room to her book bag and slung it over her shoulder.

An Unfamiliar DarknessUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum