In Ones Mind

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At the very top of the stairs the door was ripped off of its hinges. Kim stood still taking in the details.

Blood drenched everything. It was a heavy duty door, and the hinges were sticking straight out.

A fight had taken place, but not a normal one. The walls were cracked and even the ceiling was crumbling. This worried Kim.

She knew she was traveling through a big building with many creatures, but this made her almost sickly worried.

Kim tiptoed through the mess. The inside of the hallway was worse.

It resembled the area she had just come from besides that there were body parts and tuffs of hair laying in pools of blood and chemicals across the floor.

Kim did her best not to breathe much in. Looking left and right, left seemed more bright if that was possible so that was the way she went. (Doing her best not to get any thing soaking into the floor on her shoes.)

Walking confidently down the hall she though about where she left Angel. Where was that little girl?

Kim ventured down two hallways and stopped instantly. So quietly, making its way through the cold stuff air, a cry could be heard.


Her tummy grumbled for the hundredth time since when she woke up hours ago from a bad sleep.

Angel hoped again that Kim was safe and would come soon. She missed Kim dearly.

Nothing since Kim fell appeared or changed. Angel even ventured out of her room and looked around.

She was excited to tell Kim she found stairs, but she needed to wait there for her.

Peeking out of the room she looked over at the broken window. There was enough clothes sitting around to wear.

She looked down at the oversized jacket she found and thought again: why was there so many clothes every where? Then went into the hallway.

Sitting criss-cross near the window she looked outside curiously. She took off the skull mask and looked down at it with concern.

It's been hours and hours since she had last seen Kim laying on the ground. It scared her to think that Kim was not coming.

Angel pushed those thoughts away and focused on the window again. It had stopped snowing, and the sun was shining bright.

Angel basked in the ever warming glow that seeped into the dull building. She remembered the good days she had before.

The ones with her mom and dad. She tilted her head down and thought were did he go? Was it me who made him leave? And if I did, what did I do?

Angel pondered on these ideas for a while before returning to the room.

Shutting the door she felt safer and she crawled under the desk to try and sleep. Her tummy continued to growl like a scared animal.

Angel turned and sighed. How dearly she missed Kim.

The door started shaking. Angel jump and bumped her head hard. Fear raced through her.

Some one started to yell and continued to bang on the door with fear. What was going on?

Oh in that moment she was more scared then ever before. Were was Kim? The door continued to rattle and the person behind it began to scream.

A noise filled the air, one angel had never heard before. It was hard to explain. It sounded like a screeching pig mixed with blown speakers almost. But that was a rough description.

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