Just Say It Chapter 19 "Making It Up"

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[Hey guys! I hate to break it to you, but this fanfiction is almost over. Yes, this is the second to last chapter :( I'm sorry, but I hope you guys enjoy.]

Senior prom quickly approached, and this made Eren very jealous.

"Leviii~ Why didn't you take me?!" Eren whined while crossing his arms.

"Because you nit wit, if the entire senior class found out they would have my head. And I don't want that to happen." Levi sighed while spraying on cologne. Eren pouted and tackled his boyfriend.

"Wha?! Eren!" Levi growled.

The brunette whimpered and buried his face in his boyfriend's neck.

"How about this. I'll make it up to you." Levi said while smiling. "I'll take you out to dinner tomorrow night."

"R-really?!" Eren asked while smiling.


"Alright. Thank you Levi."

"You're welcome.."

Prom was a lot of fun for both boys. Levi and Petra were prom king and queen. They both caught everyone's eyes. Erwin had almost every girl flock to him, due to his sharp outfit.

(The next day...)

Levi stirred and cracked one of his steel eyes open. They immediately widened and he sat up.

"Eren?" He whispered while looking around.

"Good morning." Eren mumbled while looking up at Levi. The ravenette looked down and his face blazed red.

"E-Eren... Wh-what is your face doing in between my legs?" Levi asked nervously.

The brunette blushed and pulled away.

"I-I-I don't know." He said as his face got redder. Levi sighed and gently ruffled the taller boy's hair.

"It's ok. Try not to move around in your sleep so much, alright?"


Both boys sat together on the couch, huddled under a blanket as they watched a romantic comedy during the afternoon.

Levi sat up and checked his phone. "Eren, it's almost 6. Do you want to head out to dinner?"

"Sure. Where are we going?" The younger male chirped.

"It's a surprise." The ravenette winked as he stood up. His boyfriend pouted and looked down. "Come on. Get ready. Dress yourself in a suit." Levi ordered as he walked upstairs. Eren nodded and followed him.

"Here. Erwin said this one doesn't fit him. Try it on." Levi said while handing Eren the suit. "Ok." Eren smiled while walking into the bathroom.

The ravenette smiled slightly and immediately changed.

"How does this look?" Eren asked while walking out of the bathroom.

"Perfect." Levi smiled as he sprayed on some cologne.

"You look perfect yourself." The younger of the two grinned.

"Thank you." Levi smirked while winking.

"Shall we get going?"


Levi drove a good half hour away to their destination; a small Italian restaurant.

"So sweetie- I mean Eren. Umm... What do you want me to call you?" Levi asked, glancing up from his menu.

"Anything but babe, or bae." Eren sighed, his teal eyes glancing down at his boyfriend.

"And why not?"

"Because it sounds like you own every single inch of me."

"Oh, but I do." Levi said lowly, hiding a smirk. Eren blushed slightly and closed his menu.

"So, what do you want me to call you?" The younger male asked, twirling the ice in his cup with a straw.

"Anything that you think may suit me." Levi said, crossing his arms.

"How about... Ravioli?" Eren chuckled.

"Perfect." Levi said deadpanned, occasionally twitching an eyebrow.

After about an hour, they were finally situated with their meals. Going out to dinner on a Saturday night, isn't really a good idea.

"Damn this is good." Eren smiled while his mouth full.

"Language, and speak when your mouth isn't full." Levi sighed before taking a bite of his food. The brunette in front of him smirked and tapped his lover's foot with his own.

"Don't get cocky." Levi warned. The brunette chuckled and tapped his foot again.

"Hey. People will watch. Save the foreplay for later." The ravenette said deadpanned.

"Gladly." Eren smirked before eating some more.

About 15 minutes later, Levi finished up. He glanced across the table at his boyfriend, hiding another smirk.

"Someone's impatient." He snickered.

"I-I'm sorry." Eren stuttered, his cheeks dusting a light pink.

"Would you two like dessert?" Their waitress asked.

"No thank you. The dinner was very filling." Levi smiled.

"Alright. Here's your bill. Have a great night." She smiled, placing the bill on the table before walking off.

"Not bad." Levi said while looking at it. He payed the exact amount, along with a 5 dollar tip.

"Can we go now?" Eren whined.

"Fine you damn brat." Levi smirked while standing up. Both boys walked out of the restaurant, hand in hand.

The car ride home was both stressful and irritating. Eren couldn't sit still and teased Levi by massaging his thigh, and poking his sides.

"I swear to you. I'm going to beat you." The shorter male growled as he pinned his boyfriend against the wall.

"Don't beat me." Eren said, gently pushing him away. Levi twitched an eyebrow and bit his lip. His boyfriend picked him up and threw him over his shoulder.

"O-Oi! Eren!" He blushed.

"Calm down small fry." Eren sighed while carrying Levi upstairs.

"I-I'm gonna fall."

"No you're not. I've got you."

The brunette walked into Levi's room, closing and locking the door behind him. He laid his boyfriend down on his bed, before crawling on top of him.

"Don't do anything crazy." Levi mumbled while blushing.

"I won't. Mind if I strip you down to your underwear?" Eren asked.

"Go ahead."

Eren nodded before gently pressing his lips onto his boyfriend's. Levi brought him closer and kissed him back. They kissed each other, their small exchanges of love ranging anywhere from small pecks to fighting for dominance.

Eren stripped Levi first and looked down at him.

"What?" Levi asked while twitching an eyebrow.

"I never really took the time to look at you like this." Eren whispered while running his fingers alone his boyfriend's toned stomach.

Levi sat up and pinned Eren down, undressing him quickly.

"Looks like you're the impatient one now." Eren smirked.

"Oh hush." Levi chuckled before laying down next to him.

"Do me a favor Jaeger. Try not to bite the skin of my neck off in your sleep."

"Alright. I won't."

To be continued...

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