Just Say It Chapter 20 "Just Say It"

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[Here's the last chapter! I'm so sad that it's ending. T^T I hope you all enjoy it though. :)]

It was as if in a blink of an eye, the entire school year was over. Levi and Erwin both graduated, both of their boyfriends practically drowning in their own tears while watching them.

The only thing Eren and Armin had left to was to spend every moment of the summer with their boyfriends.

So they did. They went to the beach, camping, amusement parks, and all kinds of other stuff. Erwin and Armin 'frickle frackled' every so often, and life was good.

Until the day everyone dreaded came.

Levi sat down next to Eren in the airport, right after they had just gotten everything done.

"So... I guess this is goodbye." Eren whispered sadly.

"This isn't goodbye. I'll be back in time for the holidays. I'll be home for Thanksgiving, then I'll go back in January." Levi said while looking up at the brunette.

"That isn't enough time." Eren sighed.

"Then how much time is enough time?"

"Every second that passes is enough time."

Levi looked down and bit his lip.

"Why couldn't you go to college in the state? Why do you have to go out of the state?" The teal eyed boy asked.

"Before I met you, I applied to get into a very prestigious high school. I was accepted, and I sent everything to them. Even if I tried, I know they wouldn't give it back." Levi said while looking down.

"I understand."

The ravenette sighed quietly and placed his hand on top of Eren's. His boyfriend intertwined their fingers tightly and sighed softly.

"Flight A-57 is now ready for departure." A spokeslady announced about a half hour later. Levi stood up, as well as Eren. They both looked at each other and sighed quietly.

"I guess this is it." Levi said softly.

"Yeah." Eren said sadly, trying to smile.

"Don't be sad. I promise I'll be back."

The brunette nodded and smiled.

"I'll call you everyday. I'll even text you everyday!"


"I'll Facebook you, InstaMessage you..."


"I'll email you, and I'll Skype you!"



"Please...just say it for me."

"Say what?"

"You know what it is. Just say it."

"I love you, Levi."

"I love you too, Eren."

~The End~

[A/N: Thank you so much for reading this. To be honest, I never thought it would reach as many views as it has today. I loved reading all of the nice and funny comments. They really made me happy. Again, I thank you thank you so much for reading this! I'll be making more fanfictions in the future. And that's a promise. :)]

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