The Strange Frequency

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"Hello children,"Deron Lokìl told the six adolescent padawans before him."Hello,mentor Lokìl,"Two chorused."Hey,"Gërin said.
"Miss Lokìl and Mister Òrene,my quarters this afternoon," Deron told the duo.

Ârenan and Ifõra left the room,leaving Heræn and Alìa. "You okay,hammerhead?"Heræn asked Alìa spitefully.Alìa ran down the hallway."Mister Têron,follow me,"Deron told him,and the three children followed their mentor down a corridor of the two mile long and a mile wide spaceship.
"Are you okay,Alìa?"The protocol droid D-6FT asked, knocking on the steel doors.The Ithorian in the other side of the door grunted."I'm coming in,"D-6FT said,opening the door and walking in to see-a mess.Alìa's things were strewn about the room,S-FT2 was hovering around and she was in the centre,curled into a ball.

"Oh,are you okay?"D-6FT asked in her feminine voice"I'll get R-ZFB and Ifõra,".The droid left the room,leaving Alìa.

D-6FT walked into the droid storage area."R-Z?Are you here?"She asked.
"Yeah,"A droid with chrome armour and slim arms stepped into the light."We have an issue in Bedroom 7," D-6FT told him."Really?Hammerhead needs to clean her room herself!"R-ZFB said,storming to Alìa's room.

"OI!Clean it up yourself,Hammerhead!"R-ZFB yelled at Alìa before storming off."Oh well,"Ifõra said as she and D-6FT walked inside.

Alìa ran to her friend and hugged her."It's okay,"Ifõra whispered and Alìa's hysterics calmed."Okay,let's clean this place,"D-6FT said,getting to work on finding Alìa's lightsaber.
"We've managed to send a signal sir,"A high-pitched robotic voice said."Good,"A deep voice replied.

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