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"Okay then,"Ifõra said,walking out into the vast desert of salt."Good luck,"D-6FT told her before closing the landing ramp."Look,Alìa,she's just going to see if-,"She was cut off by Ifõra screaming"Mynocks!".Suddenly,the whole ship was blanketed in darkness.F6-C6 turned in his torch light and Alìa could see a creature just out if the corner of her eye.

"Everyone get into the kitchen!"D-6FT cried and the trio made a break for the kitchen doors."The power's off!The door won't open!"She cried.Alìa screamed as F6-C6 was thrown across the room,revealing a bloodshot eye.

The creature slashed at F6-C6,causing the astromech to activate his flamethrower.Alìa screamed,causing the ship to shake and the creature to howl and and leap through a door,breaking it.

Alìa picked up F6-C6 and let the astromech project his third leg."Let me in!"Ifõra screamed.
"I can't!The power's out!"D-6FT yelled."Alìa,stay and talk to her.F6 and I need to get the power back on,"She said,walking through the doorway with F6-C6 behind her.

"ONE'S ON MY ARM!!"Ifõra screamed,her scream in unison with F6-C6's shriek.The astromech was thrown into the room,the flamethrower igniting.Alìa dodged the flame and climbed onto a table.

Alìa focused in the ramp and imagined it opening.The ramp opened!Ifõra dodged the flames and threw the brown bat-like creature in her arm at it

The flamethrower stopped and the two friends hugged. Something stabbed through Ifõra and she coughed blood before falling to the floor.Alìa ignited her lightsaber and slashed the creature in half,killing it.

Alìa walked over to where the damaged D-6FT lay."It attacked us,"She said,her voice changing darasictically to a deeper,more upset sounding voice."Is Ifõra dead?"She asked and Alìa nodded."You'll have to carry me,"D-6FT told her.

The duo went over to the power room and opened the door to the control panel.A mynock leaped on Alìa.She threw it in the ground and stepped in it until it went limp.
She flipped the main power switch.

Nothing happened.Alìa flipped the lights switch on and the lights turned on."Yes!"D-6FT said.
"Why haven't you killed us yet?"Ârenan asked the droid who was next to him."We need to keep you alive for you to help us navigate the galaxy.I'm Little Miss,"The droid replied."How long have you been here?"Ârenan continued his search for answers."Thirty years or so,"Little Miss told him.

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