Going Out

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"Good luck,"D-6FT told Alìa,locking the landing ramp.Alìa looked around her.Rusty red rocks dotted the horizon and a small,murky lake with brown algea was within twelve feet of her.

Alìa ventured to the back of the ship to dispose of the Mynocks.One leaped on her chest!She threw it on the ground and crushed it.She eventually disposed of the mynocks and knocked on the ramp.

"You're back!"D-6FT cried when Alìa returned.
"So,who won the war?"Little Miss asked.
"The Clone War?The Separatists,"Ârenan told her.
"Oh.I always thought The Republic would win,"She said.
"Yes!F6 is back in business!"D-6FT cried.F6-C6 booped in reply."Alìa,do you know where S-FT2 is?"She asked and Alìa shook her head.

The Ithorian walked into her room and her loyal mismatched droid hopped onto her shoulder.

"Aww!Isn't he just aborable!"D-6FT said when S-FT2 and Alìa walked into the room.F6-C6 beeped.
"You're right.We should find out where the others are," The protocol droid said.Ifõra's body fell out of a storage room.

"It's okay,"D-6FT hugged Alìa while F6-C6 put the body back.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2018 ⏰

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