James Root

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Family gatherings during Christmas always have their awkward family member. James Root was that awkward family member. He didn't like these gatherings because of the way he was questioned by his family. "Why don't you go back to school?". "When are you ever gonna grow up and get a real job?". "Why can't you be more like, Max?". Max is Jim's elder sister's husband. Max is a very successful business man. Jim couldn't quite understand why the hell his family didn't know that he is the most successful in the family. More successful than Max in fact. Being in SlipKnoT and all his other side project bands made him very successful. It irked him how ignorant his family is. Yeah, Jim didn't own a huge house. What would be the point of that?! He lived alone! An apartment was perfect for him. Jim lived in a beautiful apartment complex in Des Moines, Iowa. It was quiet too. His neighbors were an elderly couple that lived to his left and a very talented tattoo artist named Adam to his right. Jim was content where he was and didn't wanna leave. He got tired of being repramanded by his family and stopped going over to his sister's Christmas gatherings. That was four years ago when he stopped going. In complete honesty Jim was happier after he stopped going to his sister's for Christmas. He felt bad for his sister, Natalee. She had done nothing wrong, it was the rest of his family that pissed him off. Natalee understood though and just mailed his presents to him. She was the only one who ever understood him, even as a kid. He loved the rest of his family but they couldn't seem to understand Jim even if they tried. "Why did you have to get those damned tattoos?". "Why don't you get rid of that damn beard?!". Natalee understood him. He's just different. She always loved that about him. His individuality in the family made him stick out. Jim was always the odd ball because of his unnatural height and different personality. But that's what made Jim...Well Jim.
James;the oddball of the Root family.

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