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Two years after Jim stopped going to his sister's for Christmas, the elderly couple moved out and a young couple moved in. (Y/N) & Javi. The couple was sweet. Like sickly sweet. (Y/N) worked at her own bakery and Javi was a fire fighter. The couple tend to annoy the guitarist a little. They were the perfect damn couple and it annoyed Jim because he didn't have that special something that Javi and (Y/N) had. They were perfect in everyway from looks to personality. (Y/N) had gorgeous (Eye color) eyes, soft and smooth looking (skin color) skin, beautiful (Hair color) locks, an infectious smile, and a fantastic personality. Javi is the same way. Olive skin, raven colored hair, blue eyes, dimples, and a great personality like (Y/N). Every Christmas for the past two years they have lived in the apartment complex they invited Jim to their Christmas party. Of course Jim had politely declined both years. The next morning a present would be sitting in front of his door. "No one should spend Christmas alone, Jim! -(Y/N)", the card would say. It was always a gift basket filled with alcohol and fruit. (Y/N) had always given Jim random gifts for Easter, Christmas, hell even Valentine's Day! Always something for each holiday and it honestly made Jim feel a bit bad because he never returned the favor by giving gifts back. He never really talked to them either. Only small talk and Hellos.

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