Part 1

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"___, are you ready to go?" You looked up from your desk, pen pausing over the work you had been trying to complete before the work day was over. Your coworker, Minchan, stood in front of you, his jacket in his arms and keys dangling from his fingers. Around the two of you in the background more of your coworkers were moving, gathering up their coats and personal items, ready to go. You remembered suddenly that the floor chief had decided there would be a meal that night and everyone had cheered because free food was always welcome. You, however, were not completely excited because company meals always meant staying in the presence of your coworkers even longer.

"Is it already time?" You asked, trying hard to keep the disappointment out of your voice. It must have worked because Minchan just smiled wider, nodding happily as he gave a quick "yup!" You forced a smile back at him, putting down your pen and placing the leftover work back in your folder. It would have to wait until tomorrow, unfortunately. You gave a few more hums of acknowledgment as several of the others stated they were leaving first. When you were finally ready Minchan hustled you out the door, two others, Ikjae and Seunghye, following behind as Minchan had offered to drive the three of you earlier that day.

Small talk was made in the car as you drove to the restaurant, your coworkers making up the majority of the conversation while you added in your two cents here and there. The trip was a short one, thankfully, and the four of you quickly ran from the car into the restaurant, unwilling to spend more than a few moments in the frigid winter air. Drinks and food had already been ordered by the time you sat down, another coworker named Jua quickly pouring you a shot as the floor chief prepared to make a toast.

"Everyone! You're a great group of workers that helped us bring in our best quarter yet. Let's continue working hard in this next quarter! Cheers!" Answering calls rang out as everyone gently tapped their glasses against each other, knocking back their shots. New rounds were poured immediately and conversation grew quickly. You joined in when needed, keeping small talk going between you, Jua, and Minchan. He'd sat himself across from you and was doing his best to keep you entertained, but also found himself being pulled into conversation by those on either side of him. You didn't mind him, really, and his not-so-secret interest in you helped to keep things a little interesting in the boring routine of the office life.

"He's so obvious, isn't he?" Jua whispered conspiratorially to you when Minchan found himself again distracted by Ikjae who was sat to his left. You gave her a small smirk, leaning in as well.

"He thinks he's being very subtle, actually. I overheard him talking with Ikjae the other day and he was so completely sure I have absolutely no idea about his crush."

"That is fucking hilarious. But also kind of cute, yeah?" You hummed noncommittally, shrugging as you grabbed a piece of kimchi to keep your mouth busy and free of talk. Your plan didn't work too well, however, when Jua pulled Minchan back into the conversation, asking him about upcoming projects that the two of you and a few others had been assigned to.

"And while I'll be working with Kyuhyun, ___ and Seunghye will be gathering and organizing the data from the interviews we'll be doing," he said, still filling Jua in a few minutes later. You munched on some more food while he spoke, nodding along when needed.

The truth was, you hated working at your office. You hated the boring routine of it and you couldn't stand most of your coworkers most days. But bills were bills, and while you always had your eye out for that dream position in your desired field, you continued to work steadily. School loans wouldn't pay themselves, after all, and the credit card debt you had racked up when you went on an impulse trip to Europe loomed annoyingly before you. Sure, you'd love to leave it all behind, but you were also a grown-ass adult. You sighed heavily at the thought, knocking back the soju in your glass and accepting the immediate refill from Seunghye, who sat on your left, with pleasure.

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