Part 4 - Final

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You'd done it. You had actually gone through with it and slept with that kind of an absolute idiot. Jungkook's scoff was harsh and loud, his grip on the moped's handlebars tightening painfully as he sped along the roads back towards the restaurant. Words escaped even his thoughts as he replayed Minchan's words over and over in his head, the look of absolute guilt and shame that had been on your face when you'd finally peeked around the corner like a coward.

When you had shown up at the restaurant the night before, Jungkook had had to escape to the backroom, needing to laugh at the sheer ridiculous of the situation when he'd seen Minchan escorting you onto the premises. The awkward man's manners combined with his 3-piece suit had made the situation even more unbearable for him, testing his self-control with every passing glance he gave to your table, nevermind when he actually had to go to you.

You had obviously been trying to make a point, both to him and to yourself, something he'd picked up on immediately. But after so many months of being with you, whether in the bedroom or simply lounging around your apartments, Jungkook knew your tells. You were horrified that you'd decided to give the bumbling man a chance to take you out on a date and you were even further horrified that he'd chosen to take you to the very place that you were trying to escape. So, Jungkook had played with you, enjoying the way he was able to get your heartbeat racing, the way your eyes dilated with greedy lust. But of course, you ran away again.

"He's not a loser! He has an actual job! He's finished school!" Your words had been awfully cold, the amusement that Jungkook had been feeling up until that point dying immediately. You called him a loser. Because he hadn't finished his college school and had chosen to work as a waiter. Humiliation clawed at Jungkook's throat, making him clear it sharply in anger as he arrived back at the restaurant, nearly throwing the helmet onto the table inside the back entrance.

A loser. That's what you considered him to be. Jungkook had never felt so small before. He rubbed a weary hand over his face roughly, taking a heavy seat in one of the chairs in the small breakroom. According to you, he wasn't good enough to take you on a single fucking date because he didn't have a stupid piece of paper attached to his wall. But someone like Park Minchan, on the other hand? Oh, he was just perfect!

Jungkook's thoughts cruelly teased him as they replayed yet again the look of pride on Minchan's face, the horror on your own. He'd seen the way your coworkers had looked at Minchan with incredulity, trying to find you to confirm his words. Jungkook could admit that he'd expected you to come out of hiding, to throttle the other man for his outrageous claims. Your guilty face had been the second hit to his pride, his chest constricting in that moment as his focus tunneled in on you, everything within him screaming for you to deny it all.

"You okay, man?" Jungkook looked up from where he'd dropped his head into his hands, blinking several times as he tried to adjust to the light in the small break room. Standing in the doorway was Yoongi, fellow waiter and an all-around chill guy. His face was scrunched slightly, his eyes worried as he looked down at the depressed Jungkook. He could understand the other man's worry, too, since he hardly if ever appeared anything other than pleasant with the occasional anger at an annoying customer.

"Yeah," Jungkook began, clearing his throat once as he pushed himself back into a straight sitting position, tossing a hand at Yoongi to wave him off. "I'm fine."

"Look, Jungkook, you know I don't really give a fuck about most things, but I've never heard so many depressed sighs come out of your mouth before."

"Yoongi, I'm fine."

The smaller man scoffed, his eyes rolling as he stepped further into the break room, placing his bag inside of his assigned cubby. "And I'm over two meters tall." Jungkook had no response, his head turned away from Yoongi, eyes tracing over the different items that lay about the room. "I'm not expecting to hear your life's story, but just know that I'm here if you want to unload about whatever's bothering you." There were a few beats of silence at his words, no sounds other than Yoongi's unzipping of his jacket, tying his waiter's apron around his waist next.

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