Part 3

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Since that first whirlwind of a night with your restaurant's waiter, you'd fallen into bed with him again and again. Time had passed rather quickly, actually, and you'd realized recently that you'd been thoroughly distracted by Jungkook for over four months. Your nights, when not taken up with previously made plans on either of your parts, were spent with him. You knew his apartment like the back of your hand now and he knew yours just as well. You'd awoken more times than you could count to the feel of his hands slowly running up your sides, petting you gently (or sometimes roughly) as he pulled you from your sleep in order to sate his desires once more.

Jungkook's attentions on you had you feeling giddy most days. After all, who wouldn't want all of that focused on them? No one other than Seunghye even knew you were sleeping with the man. Her conversations with you at work were now only half related to actual work and the other half demanding details on your latest sleepover with Jungkook. She'd told you more than once just how jealous she was of you getting him to yourself, so she settled for all the information you could give so that she might live vicariously through you.

More than once you'd considered letting it be known to the others at work that you were involved with Jungkook, but you'd also realized that you weren't actually in a relationship with him, were you? It was to these thoughts that you'd awoken that Sunday morning, cocooned in the blankets of Jungkook's bed, his arm wrapped tight around your waist as he slept on. The sun was only just beginning to make its way in through the window next to his bed, letting you know that you'd woken a bit earlier than intended. You let your head slowly drift towards your bedmate, taking in his peaceful sleeping features with a small smile. Your hand lifted to gently push back some of the hair that'd fallen onto his face, making him furrow his brows in his sleep.

You continued to gently play with his hair for a few more moments before you felt your own eyes grow heavy again. Sighing contentedly, you snuggled back down into the warmth of the bed, ready to fall asleep again, but the small sound of a chuckle had your eyes snapping open, seeing Jungkook's sleepy gaze on you.

"Did I wake you up?" you asked, smiling at him sleepily. He hummed rather than answer, stretching with a small groan before he pulled you into his chest as he rolled onto his back.

"You did, but that's okay, sweetheart."

"Sorry," you said, giggling as you ever so softly began to trail your fingers around his chest, lightly tracing the outline of his toned muscles. Jungkook simply hummed again, letting his hand raise to land on your head where he began to softly massage your scalp. The two of you lay in silence for the next few long moments, content to enjoy the early morning silence together.

"___?" Jungkook asked, finally breaking the calm that was lulling you back to sleep.


"Go out with me." Your eyes, which had been closed, snapped open, staring at nothing as you turned over his request.


Jungkook chuckled a little, his fingers pressing harder into your scalp as he kept his massage going. "I said, go out with me."

"Like... on a date?"

"Well, that is what "go out with me" usually means, sweetheart."

You didn't answer, your hand's movement stilled as you tried to formulate a response. You'd awoken to thoughts of him not actually being your boyfriend and turns out, that was for a reason. You'd yet to bring up the idea of making what you had official for several reasons but the main thing had been simple: Jungkook was just a waiter. You knew you were older than Jungkook, even if only by two years, but in that age difference you'd managed to finish your schooling, enter into the professional field, and begin working a job that let you pay the bills and set aside money for savings.

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