Part 2.5

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"Jungkook, am I hearing the rumors correctly?" Jungkook froze from his position at the restaurant's kitchen sink, hands elbow-deep in the sudsy water where he was cleaning a fuck ton of dishes. His manager's voice was tinged with disbelief and a fair share of warning for him to deny the rumors he'd apparently heard. Slowly, he cocked his head to the side to see the head manager, Kim Namjoon, looking at him with a dangerous expression, arms crossed menacingly across his chest.

"What rumor would that be, hyung??

"That you fucked a customer in the bathrooms."

"Ah...." Jungkook did his best to control his expression, but the cocky smirk that had been on his lips the whole of the night since he'd had his way with you in the bathroom refused to be smothered.

"Jungkook," Namjoon warned, his voice lowering with threat. Jungkook sighed as he pulled his arms from the water, shaking them a few times to rid most of the suds before he wiped them on his apron.

"I can explain--"

"Are you fucking kidding me?" He winced as Namjoon threw his arms up in the air before running them through his hair, messing up the dyed blonde locks as he groaned. "Why the fuck would you think that's even slightly okay?

"I mean--"

"Do you realize that any single one of the customers who undoubtedly heard you could report us?"


"I'm so fucking disappointed in you right now, Jungkook."


"No. I don't want to hear it. You get your ass over to the bathroom and you scrub the shit out of it. I want that place fucking sparkling and looking like it's brand new. And then you're going to apologize to your co-workers for doing such a fucking dumbass thing and making them cover your ass while you got your dick wet." Jungkook was given no further chances to explain himself, pursing his lips as Namjoon shot him one more disgusted look before he roughly opened the swinging doors that kept the kitchen separate from the main rooms, calling out angry orders to the rest of the night crew as everyone did the closing cleaning.

He only grumbled slightly as he grabbed the cleaning supplies, knowing he'd fucked up big time before making his way to the bathroom with his proverbial tail tucked between his legs as he ignored the judging eyes of his coworkers. As soon as he was safely hidden inside the restroom did he allow himself to sigh roughly, rubbing a hand on his face as he wondered faintly if he had lost his job because he couldn't control himself. But as he looked around the bathroom where he had had you bent over and moaning his name not even two hours earlier, he couldn't find enough motivation to feel properly nervous.

"Fuck, she was so hot...," he said into the silence, sighing heavily as he pulled on the cleaning gloves to begin scrubbing.

After a long thirty minutes, complete with Namjoon sticking his head in twice to make him scrub a spot several times over, he was finally allowed to leave the bathroom. As soon as he'd put the supplies away, Namjoon was grabbing his arm and pulling him out to the main floor where the rest of the restaurant's employees were mingling. At Jungkook's appearance, there was a collective snickering that went up, the whole of them thoroughly enjoying the cowed looked on his face as he continued to be held in place by Namjoon's firm grip.

"Alright, everyone. Jungkook here has something to say to you." He pushed the other forward, making him stand directly in the middle for everyone to see clearly. "Get to it." Jungkook coughed, embarrassed as he scratched his cheek a bit nervously, darting his eyes around at everyone before he looked down at his feet.

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