Paranoid Pt.1 (Hoodie x Reader)

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(Hey guys, this first part is going to be part on of a long 2 part story line. I never intended for it to be this long, I just found the story line for this one to be so intriguing. I loved writing this one, so I hope you enjoy.) 

You woke up early in the morning, around 6:00 am to be exact. You lived a ways out of town and needed to catch the bus extra early if you wanted to make it to school. You stumbled down the stairs still drowsy, almost tripping on your cat in the process. "morning." you managed to mumble out to your parents sitting at the table, drinking coffee.

"Good morning princess." Your father responded sarcastically. You rolled your eyes at his comment, making your way to the half empty coffee pot.

"Coffee will stunt your growth." Your mom said not looking up from the news paper she was reading. You ignored her, adding the amounts of cream and sugar you desired.

"Whatever, I'm (Y/A) anyways. Its not like its going to have a huge impact on me." You sat down by your parents, drinking your delicious coffee while checking the time. "Aww shit, I'm gonna miss it!" You said grabbing your books and bag from the seat beside you. You rushed over to your parents and gave them both a hurried peck on the cheek. "Bye mom, bye dad. see you after dinner." 

(Y/N), don't forget to pick up your younger sister at her school, her field trip is over today. Her principal said they should be back around 4:30." Your dad said while getting ready to head to work. You groaned in response, but quickly agreed because it meant that the both of you could roam around town until one of your parents could pick you up.

"you walked past the dinning table one last time before you regretfully looked down at your unfinished coffee cup. "Fuck it." You murmured to yourself, as you picked it up and walked out the from door.

During your short walk to your bus stop, you couldn't help but check over you shoulder constantly. Every little noise coming from the forest and houses surrounding you made your heart quicken. You couldn't help it. Ever since you were a small child, you were diagnosed with slight paranoia. There was never a moment in your life when you felt like no one was watching you or listening into your conversations. Because of this, you were prone to panic attacks often and other side effects. But you tried to not let it rule your life by going out in public whenever you could, and making as many friends as possible. However, you were still very much afraid of people. You put your ear buds in, trying to block off the frightening noises from all around you.

When the bus finally pulled up you hopped in, thankful for its arrival, saving you from the horrors around you. You closed your eyes, thankful that you were still alive, although you knew you were being over dramatic. What only felt like seconds passing by, you opened your eyes again and noticed that you were at the front of the  school. "What, already?" You asked yourself looking down at your now semi-warm coffee, chugging the rest and shoving the mug in your bag. You hopped of the bus and tensed as your name was called.

"(Y/N)!!" You turned around and noticed your friend Kate, running towards you with a smile on your face. "(Y/N) how've you been? Why didn't you answer my skypes last night? I had so much new drama on like half our classmates." You smiled sheepishly before stating your reason.

"Sorry, I saw you trying to call, I just didn't want to be on camera. There could've been peo-" Her laugh interrupted you. You looked at her questioningly.

"You and your camera conspiracies." She continued to giggle. Kate was your best friend, she knew about your condition ever since you were both in the 2nd grade. You started to laugh with her, knowing you were just being paranoid again. You began to start an apology, when she cut you off once more. "No its fine, I totally get it. But hey. I wanted to ask you if you were free to hang at the mall before I have to got to work?" Getting excited for a moment, you got ready to agree. But you remembered what your parents had planned for you earlier in the morning. You groaned as you opened the schools front door.

Creepy pasta x Reader one shots! [REQUESTS OPEN]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon