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Wind rustled past the branches of four great oaks that stood mighty and towering over the forest territory. 

Four StarClan cats were gathered on the Great Rock, their faces revealing the worry and anxiety they were feeling.

"Welcome, Birdstar, Shadowfur, Fallrain," one of them mewed, dipping his head.

Fallrain growled in annoyance when a rain drop dripped on his head. "Why are we here, Lionstar?" he asked. "It must be important if you had asked me and many others to come here."

"I found a sign, telling me that a kit, from ThunderClan, will trouble the four Clans we were once in," Lionstar replied seriously.

"How does that kit trouble all the Clans?" Shadowfur asked, his fur beginning to bristle with anger.

Birdstar stepped forward and mewed calmly, "The sign wasn't clear. But there will be trouble, whatever it is."

"We must prepare ourselves," Fallrain growled. "I sense more trouble in the air, and we need to be ready for the Clans."

"Agreed," Lionstar mewed solemnly as his eye twitched.

"What do we do in the meantime?" Shadowfur questioned, narrowing his eyes.

"We watch," Birdstar replied, turning to meet the dark cat's gaze. "Like we always do."

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