Chapter 7

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Moons of training had led to the day of Frostpaw's warrior assessment. The light grey and white she-cat looked nervous as she waited for her mentor by the thorn barrier.

Grasspaw padded up to her. The older apprentice had improved greatly as well, working harder than before to prove his worth to the Clan.

He was also moving around the camp better than in the first few days without his sight.

"Good luck," Grasspaw mewed awkwardly.

"Thanks," Frostpaw responded. "I'll do my best."

Appleshade did not keep her apprentice from waiting too long. With an encouraging nod, she led her towards Tallpines.

"You have until sunset to catch as many prey as possible," Appleshade spoke. "I'll be watching you closely to see your execution of the hunting techniques I taught you."

Frostpaw nodded and darted into the forest. Stopping, she sniffed the air and caught the scent of a mouse nearby.

Moving such that it would not detect her pawsteps, she followed the scent until she spotted it by the roots of a tree. Dropping into a hunting crouch, she pounced, landing squarely on the prey.

Without hesitation, Frostpaw killed it. Satisfied, she buried the prey and set off in another direction.


When the sun disappeared into the horizon, Frostpaw padded towards Appleshade with the last of the prey she caught.

Her mentor looked at the decent pile of prey and nodded. "Come, let's bring this back to the camp."

Feeling happy about Appleshade's approval, Frostpaw took a rabbit and started to carry it back to camp while Appleshade helped to take a mouse.

However, on the way back, Frostpaw caught a glimpse of black and white fur. Before she could alert her mentor, a badger burst out from the bushes, roaring angrily.

As fast as lightning, Appleshade dropped the prey and pounced forward to face the badger, hissing. Frostpaw, too, turned to face the terrifying creature that was the cause of Grasspaw's blindness.

Two more badgers appeared, advancing dangerously on the mentor and the apprentice.

"Frostpaw, run back to camp and get reinforcements!" Appleshade yowled, swiping the leading badger on the nose.

"But you will die!" Frostpaw meowed, alarmed.

The look on Appleshade's face was deadly serious. "Go, Frostpaw!"

As she watched her mentor fighting desperately to stay alive, she remembered the moments when she lost Ravenkit and Flowerfeather. Never again.

With a screech, Frostpaw launched herself at the badgers, catching them by surprise as she landed on one of them. New strength flowed through her veins as she slashed at the badger's eyes. This is for Grasspaw, whose sight was taken by your kind!

The badger roared in fury as it attempted to shake her off. She jumped off quickly, landing awkwardly on the ground.

The badger, who lost an eye from Frostpaw's assault, rounded on her as she was recovering. Her eyes widened in fear, staring at the infuriated badger.

"Frostpaw!" Appleshade, who had multiple gashes on her side, rushed towards her apprentice. She pitted herself between the badger and her apprentice.

"If you want to get to her, you will have to get pass me!" the light brown she-cat threatened.


"No, you will have to get pass us!" It was Brownstripe, with many of their Clanmates behind him. With a battle cry, they charged at the invaders.

The badgers fought back, but they were hopelessly outnumbered. At last, the battle came to an end when the badgers retreated.

As the cats celebrated their victory, Frostpaw rushed to Appleshade's side. "Appleshade!" she cried.

Her mentor smiled. "Don't worry... my wounds are not fatal. More importantly... you fought like a warrior. I could have died if you followed my orders."

"That was reckless," Brownstripe spoke sternly, heading towards them. "Both of you are lucky that my patrol was nearby, but enough of that. Head back to camp and get your wounds treated."

Frostpaw nodded, helping Appleshade up as they walked back to camp together.


"Appleshade, is your apprentice ready to become a warrior?" Nightstar's amber gaze was on the light brown she-cat as he spoke.

Appleshade returned the gaze, speaking clearly for every cat to hear. "She is."

"Frostpaw, step forward," the ThunderClan leader instructed with a flick of his tail.

The light grey and white she-cat stepped forward excitedly, ready to recieve her warrior name.

"I, Nightstar, leader of ThunderClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. She has trained hard to understand the ways of your code, and I commend her as a warrior in her turn."

"Frostpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend this Clan, even at the cost of your life?" Nightstar asked.

"I do," Frostpaw replied confidently.

"Then, by the powers of StarClan I give you your warrior name: Frostpaw, you will now be known as Frostleaf. StarClan honors your bravery and endurance and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan," Nightstar finished.

He stepped forward and rested his muzzle on top of Frostleaf's head. She licked Nightstar's shoulder respectfully.

"Frostleaf! Frostleaf!" the Clan yowled in approval.

Appleshade's gaze was full of pride, revealing how much it meant to her as well.

Flowerfeather, Ravenkit, I hope I have made you proud, Frostleaf thought, staring at the night sky.

Warriors: The Prophecy of Frost - A New SoulМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя