Chapter 3

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"Eat a little, Frostkit." Flowerfeather urged. "You must keep your strength up."

Frostkit shook her head, padding out of the nursery. Flowerfeather did not follow.

Why Stoneclaw have to kill Ravenkit? Why not me? Frostkit thought, looking up at Silverpelt.

Frostkit felt empty inside, unable to find something to fill it up. Spottedpelt, an elder, padded over to her.

"Don't be so sad," she mewed softly. "Ravenkit wouldn't want to see you like this."

"But I feel so alone!" Frostkit broke into a wail, but stopped. She didn't want to act weak.

"Flowerfeather is here," Spottedpelt pointed out. "And other cats who will look out for you."

"Thank you Spottedpelt," Frostkit mewed as the elder pressed her fur against hers.


A moon passed by quickly. Frostkit had gone over most of the grief, but sometimes she would remember the scene how Ravenkit died.

"We all will be there for you," Flowerfeather purred, licking Frostkit's light grey fur, as if she had known what her kit was thinking.

Frostkit nodded, letting out a sigh. She would have to experience the apprentice ceremony without Ravenkit.

"Let all cats who are old enough to catch their own prey gather at the Highledge for a Clan meeting!" Nightstar called.

Flowerfeather nudged her kit forward. "Go on," she mewed encouragingly.

Frostkit smiled weakly at her mother as she padded towards the black furred leader.

He gestured for her to step forward. Frostkit nervously took a step forward, anxiously looking at the lake of cats.

"Today, ThunderClan grows stronger with one new apprentice! We will grief for Ravenkit, but it's time we put it behind us," Nightstar began, smiling warmly at Frostkit.

The Clan yowled in agreement. Frostkit felt butterflies in her belly as Nightstar spoke the words that made Redpaw, Goldenpaw and Patchpaw apprentices a moon ago.

"Frostkit has reached the age of six moons and she is ready to become an apprentice. From this moment on, you will be known as Frostpaw," the ThunderClan leader announced.

"Appleshade, you have proven yourself to be a skillful and a quick-witted warrior. I hope you will pass these qualities to Frostpaw."

A light brown she-cat padded forward from the crowd to meet her new apprentice. Nervously, Frostpaw touched noses with her new mentor, Appleshade.

"Frostpaw! Frostpaw!" her Clanmates yowled.

If Ravenkit was here with me, everything would be just like I always wanted it to be.


"Wake up!" the familiar voice of Appleshade called. "You are going to be late!"

Frostpaw stood up, letting out a yawn. "Are we going to explore the territory?"

"Yes," Appleshade replied. "And I will teach you the basics of the hunting crouch if there's enough time."

Frostpaw nodded, following her mentor into the forest that is still unfamiliar to her.

Her mentor led her to a clearing with some smooth looking stones. A clear flowing river separated the clearing from another part of the forest.

"This is Sunningrocks, where many generations of ThunderClan warriors have fought hard to protect it from RiverClan warriors. The small forest you see on the other side is RiverClan territory. But they will not hunt in the woods unless it's leaf-bare," Appleshade explained.

"What's leaf-bare?" Frostpaw asked.

"You may not remember it, but you have experienced leaf-bare before. However, at that time, you were only a few days old. Leaf-bare is harsh and cold, covering the ground with some sort of white grass called snow. When the snow melts, it will turn into water," her mentor replied.

"Come on, there's still a lot to show you," she continued.

Frostpaw nodded and followed her mentor into yet another clearing. "This is where apprentices train, usually to train their battling skills. Look, there's Dustfur and Patchpaw training now," Appleshade mewed.

"Hi Patchpaw!" Frostpaw called.

Patchpaw looked surprised to hear her and he stumbled, falling onto Dustfur.

"Patchpaw!" Dustfur hissed. "Pay attention."

"You shouldn't be so harsh on your apprentice, Dustfur," Appleshade meowed.

"It's none of your business," he snapped in reply.

"Come on, Frostpaw," Appleshade mewed with a small sigh, "let's go back to camp."

"But it is still early," Frostpaw pointed out in confusion.

"Pick a piece of prey from the fresh-kill pile," she mewed, ignoring what her apprentice said. "Tomorrow we will continue the tour."

"Okay," she mewed.

Back at the camp, Frostpaw was going to pick a small mouse to eat when Redpaw spoke hesitantly, "Do you want to share with me?"

"Sure," Frostpaw mewed, sitting down beside Redpaw.

As she shared the prey - a vole - with Redpaw, they talked with each other about their days, smiling at each other happily.

But Frostpaw was unaware of another cat who was padding after her as well, but afraid to reveal his feelings.

The tom who was watching the pair let out a sigh, walking back into the den.

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