Chapter 2

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"Why do we have to wait so long to become apprentices?" Ravenkit groaned, padding around restlessly.

"The wait will be worth it," Flowerfeather purred, wrapping her tail around Ravenkit.

Frostkit rushed into the nursery, her blue eyes bright with excitement. "Redkit, Goldenkit and Patchkit are going to become apprentices!" she announced.

The moment the words escape her mouth, Stormleaf's kits charged out of the nursery, messing up a few nests in the process.

"Great StarClan!" Fireclaw rolled his eyes. "Keep still." He grabbed Redkit and blocked Goldenkit and Patchkit before they made more of a mess.

"You have to be presentable," Stormleaf explained as she licked them clean.

Frostkit couldn't resist a purr of amusement as her denmates got groomed.

When Nightstar gave the call, Stormleaf ushered them out. As soon as the Clan gathered, Nightstar began to speak.

"Redkit, Goldenkit and Patchkit have reached the age of six moons, and are ready to become apprentices. Redkit, from this moment on, you will be known as Redpaw. Russeteyes, you are a warrior of skill and experience. Pass these onto Redpaw."

"Goldenkit, from this moment on, you will be known as Goldenpaw. Sparrowshadow, you are a young and thoughtful warrior. Pass these onto Goldenpaw."

"Patchkit, from this moment on, you will be known as Patchpaw. Dustfur, you are ready for an apprentice. You will mentor Patchpaw."

As the new apprentices touched noses with their mentors, the Clan yowled, "Redpaw! Goldenpaw! Patchpaw!"

Seeing her former denmates' overjoyed faces, Frostkit sighed as she and Ravenkit had to wait for another moon to become apprentices.


It was not long until leaf-bare struck the Clans. Prey were scarce, but luckily, Frostkit and Ravenkit did not get the worse of it.

Not long after, border patrols reported ShadowClan scent in ThunderClan territory.

In response, Nightstar stepped up the border patrols and ordered even the hunting patrols to keep an eye out for any signs of ShadowClan.

However, what the Clan did not expect was for ShadowClan to invade their camp. The moment the ShadowClan warriors charged in, ThunderClan was barely ready.

"ShadowClan, attack!" a cat yowled.

Flowerfeather's eyes widened with fear and quickly nudged Frostkit and Ravenkit inside the nursery.

"ShadowClan is attacking!" Ravenkit squealed.

"Stay here," Flowerfeather mewed anxiously. "Don't step out of the nursery."

"ThunderClan will defeat ShadowClan, right?" Frostkit mewed, tilting her head.

"No," a different voice, harsh and furious, spoke. "ThunderClan will be defeated!"

"Stoneclaw, stay out of the nursery," Flowerfeather warned, unsheathing her claws, her motherly instincts flooding in.

"But you didn't stay out of ours," he growled, swiping at her.

Flowerfeather dodged and retaliated with a swipe of her own. Stoneclaw stumbled back - mostly from surprise - and attacked again.

Frostkit was to engrossed in watching  Flowerfeather fight that she didn't realise Stoneclaw's attack hit some cat else.

Ravenkit let out a small gasp of shock as he was flung roughly onto the nursery wall.

"Ravenkit!" Frostkit yowled, rushing towards the frail body of her littermate.

"Please wake up," she begged as the ShadowClan warrior was forced out of the nursery.

Ravenkit didn't respond.

Flowerfeather rushed to get Leafnose. When she returned with the medicine cat, Frostkit looked at them.

"Is Ravenkit going to wake up?" she asked, almost pleadingly.

With a sorrowful gaze, Leafnose stared at Ravenkit's crumpled and motionless body. "I'm sorry, Frostkit, but he's dead. The shock was too much for him."

"No!" she cried as Flowerfeather gently nudged her away.

"You will see him again, one day," Flowerfeather mewed, comforting her kit. "He will watch you in StarClan."

But why can't he be here, to be an apprentice with me? Frostkit thought sadly.

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