Chapter 5

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-y/n's POV-

im currently starting packing my things up before i go back to Singapore cause my flight are just two days from now but suddenly..


y/n: wae? why is she yelling?
(i said it to myself while walking)

as soon as i came to her i saw zeyu is on the floor.

y/n: whats wrong with him? hes not sleepwalking and fell again, right?

aunt ija: no, he passed out. hurry, we need to take him to the hospital.

hes body temperature is so hot when i carrying him into the car.

y/n: zeyu, you gonna be alright. i promise.

                   *TIME SKIP*
#at the hospital

-y/n' POV-

me and aunt ija are waiting for the doctor to check him up outside the room.

y/n: aunt ija, what happened to him? what have you done to him? if anything happens to him, this is all your fault!

aunt ija: y/n, calm down. i did nothing to him. i just woke him up then he walked to get his water bottle and suddenly he fell. plus, he did tell me tht he felt dizzy and when i touched his head, it was so hot. pls dont blame me, y/n.

y/n: why dont you help him to get his bottle? look at wht just happened to him. urghh

i left her and just walking around the hospital to calm myself down.

- aunt ija's POV-

oh my, y/n was right. i shouldve help zeyu to get his bottle and now look wht did happen to him. this is all my fault.

about 30 mins waiting, the doctor came out from the room.

aunt ija: doctor, hows zeyu? can i see him?

doctor: hes fine now. he just dehydrated and had a fever. he may need to stay here for a couple of days and yea you can see him now.

aunt ija: dehydrated? ohh myb yesterday after his school and dance class he didnt drink much water. also, last night he slept earlier than before. but anyways thank you doctor.

doctor: no big deal. you need to reminds him to drink more water, okay? hao de, i have to go now.

- zeyu's POV-

i woke up by the noisy bipping sounds and i saw a doctor and nurses around me. am i at the hospital rn? wht happened to me?

zeyu: wheres y/n ge?

nurse: yu zeyu, you just passed out earlier and now youre in the hospital. let us to check you up and now you need some rest.

zeyu: uh okay.

later then i saw aunt ija came in.

zeyu: aunt ija, wheres y/n ge?

aunt ija: he may be somewhere around here. ill call him later, okay? thank god nothing srs happened to you. why dont you just ask me to get the water for you? if not, all of this might not happen

zeyu: im sorry.

aunt ija: its okay, you better rest now. im gonna call y/n and also June.

-y/n's POV-

i got a call from aunt ija and she wanted me to get there cause the doctor has finished checking him.

                  *TIME SKIP*
#at night

- y/n's POV-

i asked aunt ija and June to go home since i can take care of zeyu by myself.

its 8 p.m. its time for zeyu to eat and take his meds.
i wake zeyu up to eat and take his meds.

y/n: yu zeyu, wake up~ you need something to eat. then you must take your meds.

zeyu: y/n ge, can i just sleep? i dont want to eat.

y/n: but you need to take your meds. plus, you only ate a chocolate bun for lunch. you cannot skip it in order to get better. come, ill feed you.

zeyu: hao de..

while im feeding him..

zeyu: y/n ge, do you really have to go to Singapore?

y/n: yes, why?

zeyu: but i dont want you to go.

then he hugs me tightly.

y/n: zeyu, i need to further my studies and to be a pilot and i need you to understand this. im going for just a year and a half. its not so long.

zeyu: but im definitely gonna miss you.

he making a sad faces again then refused to eat anymore. i just gave him the meds and he went back to sleep.

i sat beside his bed while looking at him and im thinking of wht he just said before.

  (im saying this with slow voice)
y/n: idk wht im gonna do if anything worse than this happened to you again. i dont want to lose you. you are my only didi that i had and im gonna take a very good care of you.

i kissed his forehead before i drifted to sleep.

                  *TIME SKIP*
#the next morning

- y/n's POV-

zeyu: y/n ge, wake up. im hungry ~

i heard someones calling me and when i opened my eyes, zeyu is just a few inches from my face that startled me.

y/n: yah! zeyu! dont do tht again! youre giving me a heart attack!

zeyu: hihi, sorry~

then he hugs me.
while he hugs me, i felt tht his body temperature is now getting back to normal.

y/n: are you feeling better today?

zeyu: yes. myb its because you kissed me last night. 😉


i never kissed him before. tht was the first time I kissed him. the very first time kissing my own didi.

zeyu: y/n ge, why is your face turning red?

y/n: n-nothing.

then aunt Ija and June knock on the door and they came in.

aunt Ija: good morning my two sunshine!

June: *fake cough*

aunt Ija: dont be silly, i already wished tht to you at home.

zeyu: good morning aunt Ija! good morning June ge!

June: how are you feeling now zeyu?

zeyu: i think im getting better after y/n ge kissed me last night.

at tht time he said tht, theyre all looking at me with a 'what the heck is happening' face and just keep staring at me.

but i think its okay. everyone knows now. in fact, im his brother. so why not?

y/n: myb you guys should take a pic instead. it will last longer than staring me like tht.

while the staring game still going on, the nurse came in with the breakfast meals.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2018 ⏰

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