A Fresh Start

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Life had been going decently well. I had started making a life of my own, with my own friends. Even though it was hard work, it was helping me get onto my feet, and that was all I could ask for. I see Toshinori multiple times a week, and we usually had very simple conversations, nothing more. The more I got to know him, the more uncertain I became of him. I could tell there was something off, as if he was keeping in a huge secret or something like that. I made sure to keep myself guarded with him. Melody I warmed up to, on the other hand. She was like a younger sister I never had. She was always happy and bubbly. She was easy to read, she couldn't hide anything. Every time she saw me, her entire face lit up. She was the first honestly good people I've ever met. We started hanging out together, making me feel like I was restarting. We were at a small cafe, just sitting and chatting. I normally wouldn't do something like this, but Melody helped calm me down, taking me out of my shell. 

"What are you studying?" I asked, taking a sip of some fruit infused water. I didn't know what to pick, so I was just going to buy a bottle water, but Melody kinda pushed me to drink the fruit infused water, after all, she bought it for me after I said I really didn't have the money. She had a huge grin on her face.

"Well, right now I'm studying law!" She responded, excitedly. She obviously was very driven. "I don't have the strongest of quirks, but hopefully with a law degree, I can have a semi successful career as a Hero!" My stomach twisted up and my face fell.

"W...Why do you want to be a hero?" I ask, my face twisted up with so many emotions. Why would such a sweet girl want to be a hero?

"I want to be able to help people! I want to be able to make a difference, just like All Might! I might not be able to save as many people as he has, but I want to die knowing I helped as many people as possible. I want to be certain that I lived making the world better." She explained. I chewed on the inside of my cheek, drinking some more water so I wouldn't have to respond right away.

"T...There are a lot of people out there who desperately want a hero... I'm... sure you will be a... a great hero." I tell her. I desperately wanted her to be a hero worthy of my words, but I had a feeling that even she wouldn't. She looked up at me with pride and hope.

"Thank you! That mean a lot coming from you!" I looked at her, confused. "You have such an amazing quirk! You would be an amazing hero! So you, thinking that me and my quirk can be a hero really means something to me!" She explained, answering my unsaid questions. Suddenly her eyes widened and she somehow managed to look even more excited, which I didn't think was even possible. "Hey! Toshinori!" She waves at someone behind me. I turned around, seeing the tall, angular man behind me.




I walked into the cafe, just wanting to grab a quick green tea, and it was the closest place to get it. I wasn't really paying to much attention to the people around me, till I heard my name. "...just like All Might! I might not be able to save as many people as he has, but I want to die knowing I helped as many people as possible. I want to be certain that I lived making the world better." I heard the familiar voice of the bubbly cashier of the convenience store I frequented. I wouldn't have really stopped if it wasn't for the person she was talking to. 

  "T...There are a lot of people out there who desperately want a hero... I'm... sure you will be a... a great hero." I could hear the hesitation in her voice. I knew she still had issues with heroes... but maybe... I smile softly to myself, maybe I was worrying about her for nothing. I turned away, going to buy my tea and leave when I heard my name... but this time it wasn't my hero name. 

"Hey! Toshinori!" I turned back to the pair, seeing them both looking at me. (F/N) was obviously quite surprised. I probably shouldn't tell them how long I have been standing there.

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