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(Two Hours Ago)

It all started when I was going home. I don't know or how but I just knew I had been suddenly teleported into Marvel comics. The knowledge was inside my head plus there was also a note that was totally not in my hand before which explain everything going on.

Dear Davion Bennett(A.k.a Noivad Neao Nefarious Izanagi)

I in my infinite boredom and power have decided to drop you in the Marvel universe to amuse me. I have given you several powers that will enable you to survive as well as a decent size house with a good amount of money. Why give you powers? For the simple fact that you would die too fast without them. The aforementioned abilities are:

Chakra (You have all the bloodlines)


God Ki


Spirit Energy (You're a hybrid like Ichigo)

Magic (Fairy Tail and HH DxD devil style)


Aura(RWBY style)

Chaos Energy Manipulation(Sonic style)

Spiral Energy Manipulation

Demon Physiology (DMC mixed with a Nether type and DBZ)

Angel(Lord) Physiology(Ethereal type mixed with a bit of DxD and DBZ)

Dragonic Physiology

Anodite Spark

New God Physiology

Sayain Physiology

Kryptonian Physiology

Tamaranean Physiology


Conduit Gene


High-Speed Regeneration

Cosmic Awareness

Intuitive Perception

Mechanical Intuition

Intuitive Aptitude

Enhanced Intelligence


Enhanced Brain Capacity and Processing


A lot ain't it? Well, you're going to need it. Train hard and Good luck.

P.S Your house address is on the back and you don't exist in this world so you might need to get some papers.

Your friendly neighborhood (Omnipotent) counterpart from another universe,

Davion Bennett(A.k.a Alduin)


And here I am still 9 pm at night looking for the damn house. I was horrible with directions and was too shy to ask someone for directions though it seems that's changing as I finally managed to ask this random woman for help.

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